I've heard them for days. The male Eastern Bluebirds are on the march which means, in spite of the snow, spring isn't far away. I …
Garden party book launch for the 20-30 Something Garden Guide
Let's get out our party hats and celebrate because twelve bloggers and I are growing a garden party, book launch of good fun and …
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Back from Seattle and the Northwest Flower and Garden Show
Oh, what a show! There were so many fine speakers at the Northwest Flower and Garden Show. I wish I could've heard more of them …
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What to buy your favorite rose gardener for Valentine’s Day
Bill and I were discussing romance this morning, and he asked me what I thought was romantic. You know I love roses, but not a …
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How to force bulbs indoors
I was recently with a friend, Emma Jeffery from Hello Beautiful, and we started talking about how to force bulbs. Emma is …
Time to talk about seeds
The seed catalogs arriving daily in our mailboxes and email inboxes are a sore temptation for a gardener especially when it's cold …
Paradise Under Glass book giveaway!
I think the end of the year is a good time to celebrate and do a giveaway. While I wish I could give you a greenhouse, I don't …
It’s eternal summer in the greenhouse
It may be winter outside, but in the greenhouse, it's always summer no matter what the weather. It's humid, warm and when the …
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A package from the postwoman!
I got a big box in the mail. My postal carrier, who is a dear woman, drove it up my long driveway and honked for me to come …
Bulb forcing experiments
Yes, I know, it's mid-fall, and here I am talking about forcing bulbs indoors. Well, now is the time. All bulbs except the …
Garden Bloggers Bloom Day October, 2013
Mid-Autumn wears her lofty crown this Garden Bloggers' Bloom Day. October is a month of changes in my Oklahoma garden. We still …
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Hawaii’s Secret Getaway Spots
This is an example of a WordPress post, you could edit this to put information about yourself or your site so readers know where …