Have you heard? Each year, the Myriad Botanical Gardens holds an Oklahoma Gardening School in the center of downtown Oklahoma City. This year’s theme is “From Chard to Chickens: Rethinking the American Kitchen Garden.” Sounds like a 20-30 Something event to me. I took all of these pictures of the Myriad Botanical Gardens last June when I wrote an article for Oklahoma Gardener magazine about three Oklahoma botanical gardens.

This year’s school starts on Friday with a course on urban chickens from Noon to 1:30 p.m. This is ironic since Oklahoma City recently decided to veto chickens in urban backyards–a decision that makes me sad. However, I have news for the city. Chickens are thriving everywhere within its borders. I see and occasionally hear them as I drive my daughter to school. Oklahoma City has had an underground chicken raising movement for years, and I guess, they’ll just stay underground awhile longer. Rosalind Creasy, who’s written numerous books on edible landscaping that I’ve read from cover-to-cover, will be the featured lecturer on Friday and Saturday. Garden School opens at 9:00 a.m. on Saturday, March 15, 2014, and runs until 3:00 p.m. Local and national speakers fill the day-long program.
- Tres Fromme opens the day with a talk on the processes behind edible landscape design. Tres is the Atlanta Botanical Garden’s Landscape Design and Planning Manager. I saw the botanical garden when I visited Atlanta during the Garden Bloggers Conference.
- Rosalind Creasy will present her work in edible landscaping, one of my favorite topics for sure.
- Brian Pirtle–one of my favorite local speakers–manages Cedar Spring Farms and formerly worked for TLC Nursery. He will speak on Vegetable Gardening in Oklahoma. Oklahoma has its own special problems, and Brian certainly knows how to grow here.
- Samantha Snyder, who is on KTOK radio every Saturday from 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. will close out the school speaking about common garden problems including pests and diseases.

It’s a great lineup. If you’re a member of the garden (and you should be), the cost is only $30. It you’re not a member, it’s still a steal for $60. A box lunch is included.
At the break between speakers and at the end of the day, there will be book signings. Although I’m not speaking at the Garden School this year, I will be there signing books.

I hope y’all come. The Gardening School is a great resource for Oklahoma gardeners and starts off our garden season with a bang. Plus, you should visit our amazing conservatory the Crystal Bridge, designed by I.M. Pei, while you’re there! Who, but Oklahoma, has something like that?
Sounds like a wonderful resource and in a beautiful setting.
It is a beautiful garden especially since they redid it a few years ago.
Dee you are so right! Garden School is a wonderful event and the new venue at the Devon Auditorium is spectacular! Last year’s school was excellent and lunch in the Myriad Garden was a special treat! Garden School is turning into a family event for us, with my husband and daughter (the target audience of your fabulous new book) all attending this year. Look forward to seeing you there!
I can’t wait to see you too Vickie. Such nice words about the event. See you tomorrow.
What a great looking place!
DEE! This is so awesome. Thank you for sharing. I work with the Myriad Gardens on their digital media so this was great to find. Thanks for tagging us! Any relation to Zach?
Nope! No relation. Nice to meet you Leslie!