When was the last time, you raked up a large pile of leaves, getting the heart pumping, and the other muscles working? Then, once …
Here’s to a gluten & dairy free Thanksgiving
with a few survival tips and a recipe to boot! For those of us with food allergies and intolerances, the holiday …
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Vegetable garden tour
Although you may have surmised from my letters with Carol and Mary Ann, it wasn't all bad news in my vegetable garden this year. …
Garden Bloggers’ Muse Day for October
Black-Eyed Susan by John Gay ALL in the Downs the fleet was moor’d, The streamers waving in the wind, When …
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Gardener Know Thyself
Know that no matter what your gardening friend does, you will never be a staker. If you try it yet again, you will instead have …
Garden Bloggers Muse Day, September
Love's Philosophy The fountains mingle with the river, And the rivers with the ocean; The winds of heaven mix forever With a …
Weekly Gardening Letter to Friends
Dear Carol and Mary Ann and all of our other friends, I am not happy with the photo above. It was early morning, and the …
Dear Friends and Gardeners, Are We at Week 21 Yet?
Dear Carol, Mary Ann and our other wonderful friends, Sorry about missing last week. My hands were full of maternal and …
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Garden Bloggers’ Bloom Day: Hurrah! It’s July!
Hurrah might be spreading it on a bit thick. July and August, with their heat and drought, are not my favorite months in the …
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Dear Friends and Gardeners Week 17
Dear Carol and Mary Ann, et al., Can you believe we've reached week 17 in our vegetable journey? This week is all about …
The Weeds Sing
Hi there! Dee's weeds again. How have you gardeners been? If you remember, this time last year we wrote a post. This …
The Many Flowers, I Mean People, of Spring Fling
We're supposed to wrap up any Spring Fling posts before Friday, so here are a few photos from the event of the people who were …
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