Bill and I went on a little trip a couple of weeks ago. We were on the lookout for Texas wildflowers, bluebonnets in particular. …
Container gardening tutorial
This week I've had a lot of questions from my garden coaching clients about containers and what to grow, so I thought I'd share a …
New zinnias to grow this year
Oh my goodness, the new zinnia varieties this year! Anyone who listens to my podcast, The Gardenangelists, with Carol Michel knows …
Defending hellebores?
When I first saw Marianne Willburn's excellent post, A Defense of Hellebores, on Garden Rant, I thought, we're now defending …
Elephant Ears make my summer garden shine
Elephant ears make my summer garden shine, so I immediately said yes when Dutch Grown Bulbs asked me to collaborate with them on …
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Seed Starting Station
Starting Seeds is easy with a seed-starting station. First, obtain the following items: Assembling the seed-starting …
New year, new garden plans
It's a new year, which means I'm thinking about new garden plans. I also ordered new flower seeds. I thought sharing my new garden …
Seed catalogs arrive daily
Starting in December, seed catalogs begin to arrive. By January, they arrive daily. Even though many companies have gone …
Leaves, beautiful shredded leaves
I should carry around a sign stating “Will Work for Compost” for I do every autumn. Other than my labor, my compost is free …
Beans and greens
While I'm out planting the bulbs this Sunday afternoon, I'll also be thinking about beans and greens and whether I want to start …
Planting the bulbs
This week I'm planting the bulbs in two garden spots. In keeping with ten ways to enjoy your garden more, I'm planting the bulbs …
It’s time to plan for next year’s garden
Yes, I know we're all exhausted from the summer from hell in Oklahoma and Texas--or is that just me? But it's time to start …
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