Whether it was actually the beginng of a true Indian Summer, or just a frost a couple of nights ago, is still up for debate. …
Falling for fall
What is it about fall that stirs our imagination? On Pinterest, the boards displaying the best of autumnal blessings are lighting …
Bustani Plant Farm in the fall
I was supposed to take some dear friends to Bustani Plant Farm last Saturday. Then, we discovered it was Dad's Day at Oklahoma …
The bold and the beautiful
Heady with their beauty, these plants are proud to proclaim it loud and clear. Our climate is changing, and instead of sporting …
Crapemyrtles shine in the summer landscape
If the rose is the undisputed queen of the garden, then crapemyrtles are her knights in shining armor, for when summer temperature …
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It’s hot and dry in Oklahoma, and now we’re on fire too
In case you haven't noticed on the news, the weather people, at least those not living in the south central part of the U.S., keep …
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Garden prejudices
I wandered over to Hayefield today, and read Nan's post on her garden and personal journey. It made me consider my own garden, and …
Only the strong survive
Survivors, the strong ones, the pioneers, the natives . . . am I speaking of people or plants? The same rules apply. You gotta be …
Garden Bloggers Bloom Day Dateline: Sunday, July 15, 2012
It's Bloom Day and Sunday to boot. For those who live somewhere other than the center of the country, I'll give you the forecast …
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Silent summer
As soon as the sun rises, I wander the paths of my garden. Gravel crunches under my sandles. Small green frogs and toads jump …
Care and feeding of daylilies
Daylilies and roses are two of my garden passions. Of these two, daylilies are more reliable and give more bang for the buck in my …
Summer of our joy
Color me beautiful. That's what my garden would say if you could see her. The summer of 2012 is whispering with soft winds instead …