My excitement over this new-to-my-garden wildflower knows no bounds. Coreopsis integrifolia, Chipola River daisy, a/k/a fringe leaf tickseed and Chipola dyeflower, is very rare, but it has been found from southern South Carolina to north Florida. Its common name hails from the Chipola River that runs through three counties in Florida.

I bought my plant from Bustani Plant Farm, but I also found it sold by High Country Gardens and Woodlanders. As Lazy S Farm says, this plant is the “equivalent of the little black dress.” It goes with everything, and it is a hardy perennial that has stolons (horizontal above-ground shoots), but I’m assured by plant sellers, it is not invasive. Maybe it can replace some of the stoloniferous black-eyed Susans trying to choke out their neighbors. Chipola River daisy starts blooming in fall just in time to hang out with the former asters, also favorites of mine. According to Horticopia, C. integrifolia is hardy from Zone 5A to 9B and reaches two to three feet in height. Chipola River daisy can also handle partial shade to full sun. I like adaptable plants. Don’t you?
To see more Wildflower Wednesday posts, head on over to Gail’s Clay and Limestone where she talks about the non-asters with abandon. I heartily approve.

Add a few wildflowers to your landscape, and watch what happens to your garden. Your busy pollinators will thank you for it. It’s good to take a walk on the wild side now and again.
Very pretty, Dee!
There looks to be some conflicting information out there about it’s hardiness. Though Horticopia says 5A, other sites claim it’s hardy only as far north as zone 6, 7, or even 8. I don’t think I’ve ever seen such a wide discrepancy in a plant’s hardiness zones. I wonder what’s up with that.
You know what Linda, you’re absolutely right, and if I had to take a guess, I would say it tops out at Zone 7A. They probably haven’t tested it much further north than that. Thanks for pointing that out.
Beautiful! I’m already thinking ahead to my spring garden. I don’t know if these will be all right in my Zone 7 garden, but maybe I can find something similar. I love that bright yellow.
Bumblebush, I’m in Zone 7A, and Steve’s nursery is colder than at my house so I think it will survive in your garden as well. We can all test it and see. Thanks for stopping by.
Hmmm, never heard of that one. Might have to find one of my own. Zone 6 okay?
It’s supposed to be hardy to Zone 5, but as Linda pointed out, other sites say Zone 7. I say give it a try and put it in a sheltered space. Thanks for stopping by Robin!
I had planned on adding this to my garden this fall but it’s not reliably hardy in zone 7A so I skipped it. What zone are you in? I order a lot from Lazy S and really wanted this. It’s a beauty.
I’m in Zone 7A, and I know Steve grows it in a colder spot than mine. I did put it on the east side of the house just to protect it a bit more. Give it a try. It’s worth trying. 🙂
I have something similar from Plant Delights, Coreopsis helianthoides. The flowers look just like that of C. integrifolia. A real charmer!
Hi Sweetbay, I don’t grow the other coreopsis, but it does look very similar. They are such charming flowers aren’t they?
Very pretty!
Have a wonderful day!
Lea’s Menagerie
Now this is a beauty! lovely delicate Black-eyed Susan. Going to have to look for this
This looks like a great addition to any garden for late fall color–everybody needs a “little black dress”:)
Dee what a charming plant…just cute as a button.
Beautiful coreopsis, I like the shape of the ray flowers/petals.
I want this in my garden!
You wild thing. This little yellow flower is a beauty. Amazing that something that grows in Fl will grow where you live. It must be a hardy plant. Happy WFW.
I have this in my garden too, although I don’t know where I got it. My plant “runs” everywhere and I have been able to pull it up and plant it in other places. I am zone 8a. I should bring you some more when I come up to Edmond. Ha!
I grew these down in Mobile, AL, when we lived there and loved them! What fun to find that they can handle life in the prairie too.
Yes, they seem to love the prairie, and I seem to keep moving back to it.
Coriopsis is one of my favorite flowers.
Mine too. I have some trouble with the smaller-leaved coreopsis except for Route 66 which I should profile next month. Thanks for coming by.
I love it when new plants more than satisfy. Thank you for putting me in mind of Lazy S again. I think they carry a lot of plants that Seneca Hill Perennials used to carry.
Kathy, I do too. I had fun looking through their catalog again.
I love it, but I a sucker for yellow flowers. Thanks for calling attention to these under-appreciated natives.
I love its sunny disposition too Scott. Yellow flowers remind me of happy faces.
How do I not have this pretty darling in my garden! Now I must find a good spot and yes, as much as I love the Susans, this pretty will fit in nicely. After all, we all need a plant that goes with everything. xogail
Oh, love it– walk on the wild side now and again. We had such looking flowers on our place over in Caddo County. I wonder if I could grow them here. You know, I still have a few of those iris you gave me. They grow lovely leaves, but have not flowered since the first year we moved here. Hugs~ Rosebud
Curtiss Ann, I’m pretty sure you can grow this one as it is native in the northern counties of Florida. As for the iris, try digging them and putting their rhizomes as close to the surface as possible. They like to be at the top of the soil and get a little cold in the winter. It’s worth a try anyway.