These are the plants I love in the garden at the beginning of October. The weather is still hot, but changes are coming this week. …
Garden Bloggers’ Bloom Day September
Hello!! I'm here for Garden Bloggers' Bloom Day today! Not a day late. Not a day early, but on time. I know. It never …
It’s August, and it’s hot.
It's August, and it's hot outside. The weather has been in the 100s for three weeks straight, but good news is on the horizon. A …
Not enough time
For the first time in my life, this year, I realize there is not enough time. Not enough time to grow everything I want to …
Garden questions
We opened our garden a week ago Saturday, and people had lots of garden questions. I figured my internet friends do too. And I …
Ephemeral Spring Beauties
While these flowers aren't true ephemeral spring beauties in that they don't bloom and then go underground for summer, they don't …
The Simpson wildfire
Some of you may not know that my neighborhood, home, and garden were part of the Simpson wildfire in Logan County, Oklahoma, a …
New zinnias to grow this year
Oh my goodness, the new zinnia varieties this year! Anyone who listens to my podcast, The Gardenangelists, with Carol Michel knows …
Leaves, beautiful shredded leaves
I should carry around a sign stating “Will Work for Compost” for I do every autumn. Other than my labor, my compost is free …
It’s time to plan for next year’s garden
Yes, I know we're all exhausted from the summer from hell in Oklahoma and Texas--or is that just me? But it's time to start …
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Fall vibes
Fall vibes is a hashtag used all over the internet. Cozy vibes is its pumpkin-scented counterpart. I don't know why, but both of …
Ten ways to enjoy your garden more
Last Saturday, while planting pansies and violas for fall and cleaning up my front borders, I began to ponder ten ways to enjoy …