Here are ten plants to replace climbing roses removed because of Rose Rosette Disease. I know some rosarians don't think you need …
Garden Bloggers Bloom Day: August
Did you ever wonder where the term, the "Dog Days of August" came from? Do you suppose it refers to hot weather and a general …
Stories from the Garden Bloggers Fling: Chickadee Gardens
If your mind is still a blur from all the sensory input even two weeks later, how would you write the stories of the Garden …
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Four B’s to daylily garden zen
You may have noticed a lot of daylily bloom posts on Red Dirt Ramblings this year. For those of you bored by all this hemnut …
With rain, the garden grows
This year, I am reminded that gardening is so much easier when the sun doesn't overwhelm plants suffering from drought. With a …
Garden Bloggers Bloom Day May 2014
Good morning everyone! It's that time again. Garden Bloggers Bloom Day is upon us. A special thank you to Carol Michel for hosting …
Which flowers are easy to grow from seed? Here are several I like.
Gardens don't have to be expensive. Here are several flowers to grow from seed. All can be sown directly outdoors too. Many of …
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Hellebores from Oklahoma Gardener
Below is an article I wrote for Oklahoma Gardener in May, 2010, about hellebores. I thought you might enjoy it. The photos are …
Fantastic plant combos of 2013
The end of the year usually marks a roundup of posts. However, this year, I thought I would change things up a bit. Let's look …
Planting garden bulbs is an act of faith
"It is a greater act of faith to plant a bulb than to plant a tree . . . to see in these wizened, colourless shapes the subtle …
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Fall garden eye candy
My fall flower garden which is full of eye candy right now. I'll pretty much let the photos tell the story. At least I'll …
Garden Bloggers Bloom Day September, 2013
Hey gang! It's that time again. Time to share with Carol at May Dreams Gardens and the world our blooms for the month. So, please …
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