Snow flurries? Yes, but none of them will stick. There are too few, and the ground is still way too warm. I love tough and tiny Violas which refuse to yield to cold fronts barreling in from Kansas. These are in the front garden where I planted the purple and orange tulips. C’est manifique, oui?

This Oxalis has been a part of my shade garden for a long time. I don’t remember the cultivar. Again, I’m diggin’ the purple merging into dark green.

This teacup feeder was moved by the irrigation crew into the middle of the rose ‘Footloose.’ It looks good there surrounded by freeze dried blooms, so perhaps I’ll leave it.

‘Rio Samba’ isn’t looking her best either, but with lows in the 30s, who can blame her?

Behind ‘Annabelle’ the fence is still down from the irrigation crew. Funny what you notice when it’s framed by the camera lens. The bricks at her feet will someday be placed under the arbor at her left.

True geraniums really are a four season plant. They have beautiful, airy foliage which, except in extremely cold Oklahoma winters, stays above ground. In the fall, the same leaves turn a reddish hue. In the spring and early summer, you get small blossoms that weave around other plants like the roses. Need I say more?
Oh, yes, I do. Once a month on the the 15th, our own “Garden Blogger You’d Most Like For a Neighbor,” Carol from May Dreams Gardens hosts a little party she likes to call Bloom Day. Head on over to her place for a cup of cocoa and lots more posts. I have my mug in hand. I’ll meet you there.
I love the purple and green of your oxalis! It’s hard to imagine snow so early. My husband is from Ok, so we go back regularly to visit and I am always amazed at the difference in temps only a few hours north! Your winters are sooooo cold and windy; I am spoiled here by usually mild-ish temps even in winter.
nola´s last blog post..97 Back Yard Progress
Hi Nola, yes, our winters are sometimes the pits, but often I’m glad for the break.~~Dee
What a gorgeous bird-feeder you’ve got! Very cute!
I’m starting up a new meme for Fridays – Blooming Friday – it would be great if you would like to participate with one or two pictures of blooming plants. I thought it would be nice to share eye-candy for the week-end… Welcome!
Katarina (Roses and stuff)´s last blog post..Wordless Wednesday – Memories of Summer
Thanks, Katarina, for inviting me. I’ll try to join in tomorrow.~~Dee
Hi Dee,
I can’t remember if I’ve visited your blog before, but if I didn’t, I meant to, because I see your name when you leave comments on other blogs I have read. Thanks for leaving me a comment on Blotanical. I have to get back to work now. I don’t normally get on a computer during my lunch, but have only been blogging two months or so, and am so addicted! I grow a lot of the same plants you have on your GBBD blog.
Hi Sue, I’m glad you came to visit. Thanks and you’re welcome. It’s easy to become addicted to blogging. Like gardening, it has lots of rewards.~~Dee
The “Brookside” geranium is so vivid! Makes me chilly reading your post!
Cheryl, it is very chilly here.~~Dee
The geranium leaves are lovely … we can’t grow those here, so I didn’t know they provided fall color. Like you, I’m digging the purple Oxalis. I planted it in one of the pockets by the pond; after sulking for a bit, it decided to settle into its new home.
Cindy´s last blog post..Yesterday Was Bloom Day but …
Your garden still looks very pretty! I do love that teacup bird feeder. 🙂 That ‘Brookside’ geranium is one I’ll be looking for come spring.
Nancy Bond´s last blog post..Things That Make Me Go Mmm
Thank you, Nancy.~~Dee
It may be cold and beginning to snow but you still have quite a bit of color going on. I think the teacup feeder looks nice in the middle of the rose blossoms too!
Leslie´s last blog post..Garden Blogger Bloom Day November 2008
Leslie, we had several more warm days, and this morning the bottom dropped out again at 22 degrees. Brrr.~~Dee
Hi Dee, what wonderful violas. I love the orange ones and when those tulips come up in orange and purple, it will be a wowee spot! I did not even notice the fence or the bricks in the hydrangea photo either. Only you would see them. I do think our climates are similar, but the mountains soften the blow of the systems of weather as they move from west to east.
Frances´s last blog post..November Bloom Day-Still A Few
Frances, I think I love all the Violas because they are such tough plants and yet, look so delicate. Yes, you do have your mountains for those late spring freezes which catch my garden unawares.~~Dee
It is nice to visit your site. In addition to the beautiful flowers and garden photos, I am captivated by that Teacup Birdfeeder! Where did you find that? It’s so unique! Jan
Hi Jan, my Hemerocallis (daylily) club made them out of old teacups and copper fittings. The copper might be prohibitive now, but we sold them last year at a convention.~~Dee
Those geranium leaves are quite lovely, but I even enjoyed the freeze dried roses. We got some of that cold Kansas air last night, but not quite to freezing in my garden.
Pam/Digging´s last blog post..Green Hall Garden redux
Me too, Pam, on the freeze dried roses. Love ’em.~~Dee
Violas can brighten up the dullest and gloomiest of days, snow flurries and all. That teacup feeder is fun and I love the leaves of your Oxalis.
Happy GBBD and cheers! (clinks mug to yours)
Yolanda Elizabet´s last blog post..November Blooms for GBBD
Happy GBBD to you too, YE.~~Dee
Hey Dee – you are in the heart of this front that’s dipping down here tonight. Sounds like Fall has definitely arrived for you. Your Violas are just a beautiful color. And they will look great with your tulips…wow, what a great combination, I love those bright colors. Stay warm!
Diana´s last blog post..Full for the Freeze…or, I blew bloom day!
Yes, Diana. I hope you all get some of this cooler weather. I’ve been reading the Austin tweets, and your weather needs to take a chill pill deluxe.~~Dee
I’ve just been moving my container plants around outside, as it is very windy and getting colder. I had such perky little blooms. I hope this doesn’t kill the flowers tonight. First cold snap.
Brenda Kula´s last blog post..Around About
We’ve had two or three now Brenda. I’m kind of glad, but it’s sad to see autumn end.~~Dee
Just remember that even freeze-dried they are still blooms. I like your geranium and think your oxalis could be ‘Iron Cross’.
Les´s last blog post..Bloom Day Hangers-on and Harbingers
Perhaps it is, Les. I just like it because it is reliably hardy and purple. Purple is a passion with me.~~Dee
I really should add some violas to my gardens, they’re so beautiful.
Susy´s last blog post..America Recycles Day
Yes, Susy, go for it. Violas are sweet little flowers.~~Dee
Can’t wait to see your orange and purple tulips with the orange violas – should look great.
Me neither, Helen.~~Dee
You still have colour – despite the snow flurries (brrrr – chilly)
I love the way the leaves of the hardy geraniums turn to such wonderful colour at this time of year.
Oaxalis are marvelously strange.
Karen – An Artists Garden´s last blog post..G.B.B.D. – and I have no flowers
Hi Karen, I do have some color, but it is all starting to fade.~~Dee
I love love love true geraniums. Have to get some more! Hugs,
Mary Ann´s last blog post..Garden Bloggers Bloom Day November 2008
Me too. I think I have four different ones right now. I need to find room for more.~~Dee
Hello Dee. You have a lovely blog whit a lot of beautiful pictures in it.
Signe´s last blog post..Overvintring
Hi Signe, thanks so much for stopping by to visit and thank you for the compliment.~~Dee
I’m going to look out for that geranium.
Do the leaves smell nice?
Lucy Corrander´s last blog post..IF ONLY I KNEW ABOUT FUNGI !
Hi Lucy, unfortunately the leaves have no scent at all. Some of the true geraniums have highly scented flowers though.~~Dee
Wow! Your Annabelle has more frost damage than mine does! I love the teacup feeder. I am now deciding on a feeder, too–
Thank goodness for birds. The teacup feeder is mostly just for show. It doesn’t hold enough feed.~~Dee
Our garden looks much like yours Dee. I saw a bit of pink out the window and went out to see if it was a bloom I could post. Ha… freeze dried indeed.
I would love to see a photo of yours too.~~Dee
Hi Dee, you just can’t beat Violas for extending the season of bloom through the late fall into winter. My Limelight Hydrangea has the same hue of dry blossoms as your Annabelle. After raining her for the past few days the sun is coming out now. It will be nice to dry up the mushy yard.
Racquel´s last blog post..November Blooms (GBBD)
Hi Racquel, I could kick myself because I saw a ‘Limelight’ for sale and didn’t buy it. It’s not easy to find here, but I just didn’t have the space, or so I thought.~~Dee
Hello Dee! A truism…the photo we think is perfect always has the hose or that irritating street light showing…things our eyes filter out but the camera reveals! Love the geraniums…they are a four season treat. Take care and have a glorious weekend! Gail
Gail´s last blog post..Enough To Make Me Smile on November Bloom Day
Boy, is that every the truth. I moved the giant plastic bucket out of the way. 🙂 ~~Dee
We definitely need something warm to drink on a ‘raw’ day like today. My weather doesn’t seem much different from yours.
I do like that Oxalis, that’s a pretty combination. And I’ve still got pansies blooming on my porch, but soon they’ll be clashing with my Christmas decorations!
Thanks for joining in for bloom day and giving us a glimpse of gardening in Oklahoma.
Carol, May Dreams Gardens´s last blog post..Garden Bloggers Bloom Day – November 2008
While I’m not a fan of orange, I must admit that those Pansies look great planted with the purple Cabbage (? Kale?). I wish Geraniums around here didn’t disappear in the winter. Already the G. maculatums have disappeared. I love the red foliage, it adds such zing to the garden.
Mr. McGregor’s Daughter´s last blog post..November Bloom Day – With Actual, Outdoor Blooms!
I love your viola photo – such a yummy shade of orange. I’m familiar with oxalis, but here we grow it as a house plant 🙂
Amy´s last blog post..Deep in Preparations