Dear Carol, Mary Ann and all of our friends,
I waited to post my letter after I had a chance to get out to the potager and see what was ready. The squash bugs ate all but one group of squash plants because I wasn’t here to watch and squish them everyday. There’s only so much one can ask of her husband. I planted the last group of squash later than the others, and in a different bed. I think the squash don’t know where it is. Sssh, don’t tell them.

Then, yesterday, Bear hurt her foot on a rusty nail while swimming in the lake behind our house. Needless to say, she’s had a tetanus shot and is on an antibiotic. That took half the afternoon and evening. Summer in the country, it’s not for sissies.

As to everything else, here’s the harvest. I picked five cups of green beans, twelve cups of peaches, about ten large slicer tomatoes and an untold number of smaller ones. So far, Whopper, Arkansas Traveler, Super Fantastic and Porter’s Red Cherry take home the honors for most tomatoes produced although the others are quickly catching up. I also picked an eggplant which I ate fried using this recipe. I had it for lunch along with sliced tomatoes and green beans. Per Bear’s request, I made a Boy Scout peach cobbler minus the milk.
It was delicious and super easy.
So, except for the squash, this is one of those summers when it feels like gardening is easy, but those of us who are experienced know the weather can change at any time.
Can’t wait to see you both and all of our other garden blogging friends in Buffalo on July 8th.
Well, first of all I hope Bear is fine now. Ouch.
LOVE the new photos of the potager, which has changed dramatically since our visit there. Wow, what a harvest. Send some my way!
Love to you all,
Sharon Lovejoy Writes from Sunflower House and a Little Green Island
Well I have to say I have lost all of my squash in one raised bed to the squash bugs. I just can’t keep ahead of them. It looks like you had a great harvest. I enjoyed the Crest sack in the picture. That is where I shop also!!
Oh, I didn’t even notice the name on the sack. Yes, sometimes, it’s Crest; sometimes Target. Rarely the other one. Sorry you lost your squash.~~Dee
Wow, look at that harvest! So early, too. So far I’ve just picked four squash from the summer garden. That’s it. Can’t hardly wait for tomatoes, or to go to Buffalo next week to see everyone.
Carol, the tomato harvest is rather surprising I must say. This is very early. Wonder if it is the raised beds?~~Dee
Do you use another liquid besides the milk in the cobbler, or do you just make it drier?
Thanks 🙂
Actually, I don’t use milk at all. I just use the peaches as the base for the cobbler. It turned out great. I don’t drink milk.~~Dee
Dee, the bugs have been awful here, especially slugs and snails.
That is a nice harvest, so far all I have is lettuce, kale, strawberries, Swiss chard.
Keewee, sounds like things are moving right along up north too. Glad you’re having a beautiful spring harvest.~~Dee
You got a nice harvest there. Dang squash bugs though! My husband enjoys squashing them so he’s a big help.
Maybe mine would too, but they are a pain in the rear end.~~Dee
Oh, snap! I can’t believe you have tomatoes already. I still only have flowers on my 18 plants!
Monica, it’s just because I’m further south. 🙂 ~~Dee
Good morning, Dee, your garden looks great!
Seeing all these ripe tomatoes on blog posts is killing me. Tomatoes are the thing I most look forward to every summer. I have lots and lots of green ones but they aren’t showing any sign of oranging up.
Sorry Marnie. I can’t believe what a year we’re having. Sending tomato ripening thoughts your way.~~Dee