Dear Carol and Mary Ann (and all of our other friends),
Sorry I’m late to the party. Sunday night, two thunderstorms came through and knocked out my Internet again. (I am planning to fix that problem for good this week.) Speaking of Sunday, I returned from vacation to a garden not as weedy as I expected. The mulch I laid beforehand definitely helped. All of the turnips bolted while we were away, and much of the lettuce turned bitter in the heat. I noticed, however, that the lettuce shielded from direct sunlight by nearby perennials tastes pretty good. We had it for supper last night with grilled salmon and chicken.
My nephew, Coleman, did a great job watching and watering my container plants. However the garden is a bit dry. I may need to set the irrigation system to water more deeply. I will watch it this week and let you know.
It is hot here. Highs in the 90s and lows in the 70s. You know what that means . . . tomato time. The tomato plants are busily setting fruit on their yellow blossoms. Remember that one yellow, cherry tomato plant which came with fruit from the nursery? I ate the tiny fruit yesterday. It was good. How’s that for Egregious Tomato Gloating? Since the tomato plants are in blossom, it’s time to feed everyone. I’m feeding mine a balanced organic fertilizer. You could also feed them with compost, but that I’ve already done.
Also, if you fed your roses with alfalfa meal early in the spring, it has broken down and done its job. Time to do another feeding for them too. My climbers and some of the antiques have completed their first flush, and they are hungry. I’ll be stopping by the feed store on my way home from town today. If you used a long acting, granular fertilizer, you don’t need to feed again.

The green beans are climbing their supports, and the cucumbers have broken ground. The melons are coming along and with the heat, they will start really growing. All of the squash plants are up and so far happy. Every morning, I go out and check for squash bug eggs. While turning over each leaf, I think “Dear Lord, I hate squash bugs. What were you thinking?” When I eventually see the tiny bronze eggs, I’ll scrape them off and try to catch the adults. They like to hide under things, so placing a board in the garden is a great idea. Turn it over in the early morning, and you’ll find them. Then, drop the little “bleeps” in soapy water where they will drown. See kids, gardening is fun.
Oh, I forgot to mention, my sugar snap peas had grown so large that I picked and shelled most of them. That’s the first time I’ve ever had to do that. They tasted great. I’m also eating snow peas. I think the peas did so well this year because of the very cool spring we had.
I intend to plant okra this week which will be a bit late, but it is a dwarf variety and won’t take long to grow. I may also plant some bush green beans. Is there anything I’ve forgotten?
Life is good in Oklahoma. Love y’all.
Did you weather the storms ok today? Your garden must be unbelievably stunning this time of year and with all this good rain.
Dee, That is a beautiful view through your gate…and the thought of eating sugar snap peas right out of the garden is too appealing for this shade gardener! gail
Wow, your vegetable garden is really thriving! Thanks for the tips on the squash bugs–I usually don’t notice them until the leaves begin to droop, and by then it’s too late. I like the idea of catching them before they do any damage.
Rose´s last blog post..ABC Wednesday: Unfinished Business
Oh, how beautiful is your garden! When Son was little, we would pay him for each squash bug.:) I would also catch them and whirl with water in the blender, making a spray for the squash plants. Supposed to work like insecticide. Don’t recall that it did.
CurtissAnn´s last blog post..Outdoor Wednesday–More Prunning Power to the Woman
looks like the place is alive with color!!!
compostinmyshoe´s last blog post..Phlox Exceeds Expectations
It’s starting to be. I hope I get some green beans soon. 🙂 ~~Dee
It’s my first time dropping in — you have a lovely garden! Those nasty squash bugs and bean bugs — how could they! Hey, Oklahoma — I think I’m camping there next month with my family. TX here.
Meredith´s last blog post..Arrrgh, there be treasure in that garden
Hi Meredith, so glad you came by to visit. Wonder where you’re camping next month. It’s hot here in July, and your family is a brave group of folks. I’d wait til September myself. 🙂 ~~Dee
Wonderful garden….sorry to hear about the bean weed. It looks alot like the unwanted wild morning glory that grows in my garden.
Happy Gardening dear friend – Love your blog!
Bren/ BGgarden´s last blog post..Sign on the Dotted Line
Yes, Bren, it is. Thanks for coming by.~~Dee
I’d love to visit Oklahoma some day soon and see such beauty for myself, Dee. Your garden looks delightful.
jodi (bloomingwriter)´s last blog post..Interview with a Mailorder Specialist: Dugald Cameron of GardenImport
Jodi, I’d love for you to come visit. If you ever make it to Oklahoma, please give me a call.~~Dee
Good advice on the squash bugs. I need to start watching for them in my garden, too. And my beans have holes from those Mexican bean beetles. They are everywhere, it seems.
It sounds like a fairly complete vegetable garden to me. Do you ever grow sweet corn? Or cucumbers?
Carol, May Dreams Gardens´s last blog post..Embrace Looking Goofy for a Happier Life
Hey Carol, yes I’m growing cukes, but I gave up corn a long time ago because the raccoons always got it before I did. I hated working so hard only to miss our at the last minute.~~Dee