Did you know at least some Japanese maples bloom?

They do. Many of mine are now sending out tiny, hovering umbrellas under which only a fairy could find shade.
Do you think the fairies hold tea parties beneath and carry their Lilliputian parasols aloft as they sip cups of Sencha or Gyokuro ?

I like to think so. One more.
Interestingly, it’s only my green ones which show this tendency, and the blooms are more prolific in those trees which get morning sun. These blooms give way to winged samaras (seeds) later in the summer. I can’t wait to see.
This is gardening’s true gift. The ability to see something new everyday.
To continue your Sunday Stroll, please visit Aisling at the Quiet Country House.
i heard about your post from pam/digging – i posted my bloodgood with samaras just yesterday. love the thought of fairies sipping tea under one of those leaves! nice post.
.-= Daricia´s last blog ..Acer palmatum ‘Bloodgood’ =-.
My green Japanese maple also blooms: http://www.penick.net/digging/?p=6823 They really are sweet little things, aren’t they?
.-= Pam/Digging´s last blog ..Book Review: Succulent Container Gardens =-.
That is new to me. Beautiful. Delicate. Thank you for sharing.
.-= Gardener on Sherlock Street´s last blog ..Picnic Table Part 2 =-.
I didn’t know they bloomed. But, seeing the pretty flowers I imagine you’ve got fairies throwing tea parties all the time. I might be inclined to host one, too. 🙂 Lovely pics.
.-= kate/high altitude gardening´s last blog ..Horse Troughs and Sky High Veggies =-.
You’ve just taught me something new… and lovely. The image of fairy parasols is delightful, and the photos are beautiful. With garden blogs, I think that pleasure of discovering something new is multiplied a thousand fold — especially in the act of sharing one’s revelations with eloquence and enthusiasm. 🙂
.-= Meredith´s last blog ..focus: week fourteen =-.
Aaaahchooo. Yes, I am aware that the Japanese Maples make blooms. Aren’t they just the best little trees. I am sure the fairies appreciate each and every blossom.
It’s the best gift ever~I hope I never lose my excitement for learning~~gail
.-= Gail´s last blog ..Container Hope =-.
Oh my, Dee. How can you pull yourself away from that view to do anything. They are so delicate and precious. I have a red Japanese maple, but it’s young and no sign of any blooms on it. Now I wish I had a green one!
.-= Diana´s last blog ..Too many veggies to eat? Share the love. =-.
Don’t little baby Japanese Maples have to come from somewhere?
.-= Les´s last blog ..The Purple Curtain =-.
I agree, the learning never ends. Maybe that’s one of the reasons I love my garden so!
.-= Nola at Alamo North´s last blog ..What’s Cookin’? =-.
How pretty they are. The red/purple Japanese Maples are so common around here, the green seem exotic.
.-= Mr. McGregor’s Daughter´s last blog ..Don’t Blink… =-.
Dee, How wonderful to have you stroll along today! I didn’t realize that Japanese Maples bloom. I have just one and have never seen it bloom. I will be watching closely… I’m sure my fairies would love the tiny parasols! Who wouldn’t?
.-= Aisling´s last blog ..Sunday Stroll – Immersion =-.
Lovely post, Dee. I don’t grow Japanese maples, as it’s just too windy/snowy/moody here on my hill for most all of them except Bloodgood. Interesting that you notice flowers only in the green ones. I will ask a friend of mine what his observations have been.
.-= jodi (bloomingwriter)´s last blog ..Resisting anything but (plant) temptation =-.
LOL, I do think faeries could use those as parasols. I don’t have any Japanese maples (drat!) so I’ve not seen them bloom. Pretty. In a related note, I always think the peonies when they first emerge in red foliage look like tiki torches at a faerie luau!
.-= Monica the Garden Faerie´s last blog ..Hippity Hoppity, Nasties on the Way =-.
Actually, I didn’t know they bloom–at least not like this. They look very….Japanese.
.-= Robin Ripley´s last blog ..Pretty After All =-.
Beautiful and poetic.
.-= Carol, May Dreams Gardens´s last blog ..Violets =-.