Weird and wonderful weather continues. We are getting rain this weekend, and although it may spoil spring break for many kids, I see a trip to the bookstore in our future. Temperatures in the 80s with humidity. What month is this anyway?

It feels like June without roses and daylilies. Species and smaller tulips like ‘Lady Jane’ are melting as my friend Gail from Clay and Limestone says, but I’m still glad we haven’t had a freeze. So far. With Oklahoma, you just never know. Don’t plant your tomatoes outside yet. Please?
It will just make you feel unsuccessful if they freeze, and you’ll think you have a brown thumb which you do not. All of us can have green thumbs and even hands.

All the bulbs I planted are coming up, and it’s fun to greet old favorites and meet new favorites-to-be. Spring always makes me believe there is a God who loves me. Why else would it be so beautiful?

You can also just see the grape hyacinths in the lower left of the frame. I have two clump of grape hyacinths here, and they have slowly grown larger. Unfortunately, grape hyacinths don’t seem to like any other bed very much. Funny isn’t it? Micro-climates abound in every garden so it’s good to try things in more than one place. If something isn’t thriving, and you really like it, move it somewhere else. I’ve moved things sometimes three or four times.

There are so many things blooming here today I can’t list or show them all. I only hit the highlights. The narcissus or daffodils are blooming everywhere, and the smaller ones have nearly finished. Now, we are moving on to the larger trumpets, and tulips are beginning to show color and bloom. I probably won’t have anything by Easter, but that’s just the way it goes.
I’m not complaining. How could I with all of this? Thanks to Carol for hosting Garden Bloggers Bloom Day.
Dee, do you expect any of the Tulips to be perennial here in OK? I went to my Ace Hardware after your post last fall and bought all they had on your list. They have been beautiful, so thanks for the encouragement.. I have never grown tulips before and don’t know what to save and what to compost.
Sue, most of the tulips will not be perennial. A few will especially if they have good drainage. I always consider them annuals here though, and I pull up the ones which are the standard tulips. I leave the ‘Lady Jane’ and other species-type tulips in the ground. I hope that helps.~~Dee
What a beautiful setting!
Your title says it all, Dee. It makes me wonder what May will be like. Thanks for including the overhead shot of your back garden–what a beautiful view! Your garden is the perfect vision of spring, my favorite season. And no, I won’t be planting tomatoes for awhile:)
Strange brew this spring is. I wonder what’s in store this summer?
Gorgeous! I vote we need to come to your backyard soon!
Micro climates have been my biggest learning curve I suppose. Love that spirea behind your perky daffodils…
Such a gorgeous garden, Dee!! I crave in invite to tour it. I will bring you rotted manure!! LOL
I especially like the first view of the garden with the fence around it!
Happy Gardening!
Lea’s menagerie
Dee, your gardens are gorgeous! I know exactly what you mean about the weather and melting tulips–it’s been in the 80s all week in Upstate SC. I’m melting, too!
Thank you for sharing a tour of your lovely blooms!
Oh, does my heart good to see your yard, honey-bunny! Beautiful. And I even have some summer snowflake and tulips here!
I’m glad you are getting rain and I hope that will continue throughout the year. Beautiful flowers!
Great overview! Loved seeing the fenced garden area. Your pond/lake is very peaceful looking. What a nice feature. Love that delicate pink tulip. Guess it does well in warmer climates….mine aren’t doing well here at all. I prefer to think of them as compost.
Beautiful photos! I am in the part of the country that is still cold and slow to bloom, so I am enjoying seeing Spring – eventhough it seems to be early for you. I was raised near the ‘red dirt’ in Oklahoma and Texas and seeing your photos brings back memories!
Thanks and keep up the good work!
Your garden looks a little further ahead of mine. It is true that tulips and daffs are melting in the heat. Will we have any of the traditional Easter flowers this year?? I guess time will tell. Maybe we have started a new tradition and we will have daylilies for Easter. UGH…. Happy GBBD.
So very nice! Rain here too, Dee, and I am not complaining for a minute either!
You have a lot going on. So pretty….
I know what you mean about a late freeze…Oklahoma or Texas. My mother always warned about an ‘Easter spell’.
I usually didn’t listen, and I usually had some frozen plants.
Holding off on putting those tomatoes in the ground…at least uncovered.
Happy Bloomday.
Look at your blooms…reminds me of April in my garden and i will bet my garden will look similar in a few days with all the warm weather…I have been commenting all week that this weather feels like May…