It’s that time of the month for Garden Bloggers’ Bloom Day where we show what we have flowering in our gardens.
First, the weather
It’s been extremely warm, dry, and windy in Oklahoma this week, and there are still fires burning this St. Patrick’s Day. I’ll be glad when things calm down. Also the Eastern redcedars (Juniperus virginiana) are in pollination mode so the air quality isn’t great. I have some residual trauma from the Simpson wildfire two years ago, but I’m basically ignoring the fires today so I can post about beautiful things instead like flowers for Garden Bloggers’ Bloom Day.
Don’t worry, I have the Watch Duty app on my phone that alerts me to any changes.

Flowers for Garden Bloggers’ Bloom Day
This spring, I am clearly obsessed with blue pansies. I love all the shades of blue and purple pansies come in. I also love the pink and ivory antique shades, but this year is all blue.
I blame my fixation on my friends, Beth Teel and Teresa Vaughn Dawkins from the Oak Grove Garden because they often share shades of blue. Be sure to check out Teresa’s concrete urn with blue pansies. So beautiful. I often start my pansies indoors in December to get exactly the cultivars I want, but mice ate my seedlings in the greenhouse. Silly creatures. I think I saved four plants and put them beneath grow lights in the basement. Anyway, I found plants at Davison’s Nursery on Memorial, TLC Nursery, and Lowe’s. Lowe’s has the most unique ones, but the others are lovely too.

I love my front border in spring. If you click on the photos, they will enlarge and become easier to see. If you don’t grow ‘Tete-a-Tete’ daffodils, you’re truly missing out. These little darlings flower as soon as they emerge and keep on going for weeks.

I’ll be honest. March is not my favorite month for Garden Bloggers’ Bloom Day, but April will be better if we get rain. I did run outside and “snap” these photos of what’s going on in my garden. For more GBBD goodness, head over to Carol’s blog, May Dreams Gardens and see what other bloggers are sharing. I’m late to the party so there should be quite a list.
Until next time, stay blooming.

Love your pot with the pruned hellebores, blue pansies and oxalis! June