What a spring! March and April were exciting, and May seems to be following their lead. I spend every waking moment in the garden planting, cutting back and weeding.
Oy! The weeding is a constant battle this year. In the last two days, we’ve finally hit normal highs. I’m excited to see the upper 80s. Yet another cold front came through last week, and it was very cool before Mother’s Day. With each storm, I’ve received some rain. I’m hoping for more tonight because I planted a lot of tropical plants this morning. I’ve also been writing, having Siri take notes for me as I sit in carpool line. Siri is a good secretary, and she’s helping me remember some of the information I want to include in the book. I think of things I want to share as I plant. I grab my cellphone and then dictate them into my Notes on my phone which is then synced with the computer. Nifty ‘eh?
I haven’t mentioned the book? Oh . . . I’m writing a gardening book targeted at newer gardeners, especially younger ones. It’s the book I wished for when I first began gardening. More on that later.
Garden Bloggers’ Bloom Day, sponsored by Carol at May Dreams Gardens, but it’s been a very strange day. After many calls trying to find the greenhouse which seemed lost in transit, it arrived in a bright blue cover. Bill, always my hero, got it off of the truck and near where we’ll place it. The whole procedure was quite scary if you want to know the truth.

While I waited for the greenhouse to come, I planted a Peach Sorbet blueberry shrub in a container and a Raspberry Shortcake raspberry in another one. I bought these at TLC Greenhouse this afternoon. They joined two small blueberries in another pot on the deck. I gave the blueberries some sulphur to acidify the soil. If I were all scientific, I would tell you I measured the sulphur before mixing some with the soil. No, I “guestimated” it. Kind of my normal way of doing things. It’s a large pot. It’ll be fine.

I was inspired last week by some red petunias I found at Wal-Mart of all places. They were in these little containers with a calibrochoa and red, trailing verbena. To fill in the pot, I added Silver Falls dichondra and a large sun coleus. I don’t know which variety of coleus it is. At another local nursery, Precure, it had no tag, and the lady working there didn’t know its name. Who cares what you’re called when you’re this beautiful? I also painted the vintage iron chairs red. I talked to my daughter, Megan, about painting the chaise longue purple like the chairs will be in the lower garden, but she just whispered, “Red Hat Ladies” when I mentioned it. I think I’ll paint it cream instead. Another project for another day.
In the lower garden, bloom time is completely off. Most roses aren’t yet blooming because they were hit by that late freeze. Normally, they are all in bloom by Mother’s Day. Instead, the peonies are taking center stage for May. They look great. Of the roses, ‘Cl. Old Blush,’ ‘Darcey Bussell’ and regular ‘Old Blush are blooming. Up on the deck ‘Therese Bugnet’ is covered in pink, probably because she’s a tough Rugosa, and the deck is warmer. The rest are poised to go. The clematis have never been better. Oklahoma isn’t an easy place to grow clematis, but you’d never know that this year.

So, I hear raindrops on my roof again. The garden is responding to all of this rain by becoming ever more beautiful. The yarrows are blooming along with some snapdragons I planted early in March. A few iris have also unfurled. It’s a weird and wonderful spring. I smell dianthus on the wind. My greenhouse is here, and I am overjoyed. Happy Bloom Day my friends.

Hey there, Dee. The boys and I hope you, your family, and your garden are all well and safe. Our thoughts are with you and your fellow Oklahomans.
Hi Nan, Thank you! We’re okay. I live about 45 minutes north of where the tornado hit. Please keep the victims in your thoughts and prayers. It is devastating. Hugs.~~Dee
Congratulations on the book! Sounds like something I could have definitely used starting out. I, too, have a daughter named Meghan, and she would also be muttering similar comments about my choice of paint colors:) But I love your red chairs, and purple is one of my favorites in the garden.
It’s certainly been a strange weather year for you–I think we have been much warmer in Illinois all spring. But nothing as strange and horrible as the last day–praying for everyone affected by the storms.
We’re getting alarming pictures on our TV of Oklahoma tornado. Hope you are ok. Thinking of you.
Thank you so much Esther. We’re okay.
How exciting to be getting a greenhouse! That must be a dream come true. The potager is just beautiful, and everything looks quite lush. Good to hear you’re getting rain. And congratulations on writing a book!
I don’t think I would be excited to see the upper 80s. Dismayed would be more like it. I am glad you are getting the rain, but everything comes with a price, doesn’t it? The moisture makes both cultivated plants and weeds grow.
So beautiful! love the snapdragons and yarrow and especially love the red chairs
Looks amazing!
What a gorgeous garden, I really like the raised beds, and I am jealous of anyone who can put up a proper greenhouse.
Thank you Charlie. That greenhouse has been harder to put together than I expected, but Bill and I are persevering. Thank you for your kind words.
It has been a wacky spring, but what spring hasn’t been lately? ha. I suppose this must me more normal than the last two. I have been scurrying about myself, kine of glad the spring is more normal as it gives me time to catch up a little. Many of my plants this year is there third year so they are “leaping” as the cliche goes. Happy Blooms to you!
How exciting for you that you are writing a book. Look forward to hearing more about it. I am puzzling as to how the greenhouse is in the blue packet. Do you have to build it yourself? I guess all will be revealed!
Hi Jenny, yes, it’s like a kit. We’ve been putting it slowly together. I’ll have more photos soon.~~Dee
Dee how wonderful to hear about the book….and a greenhouse….how I wish I had room for one….maybe once a few trees come down. I love the look of your garden in bloom and that potager is so beautiful. My garden is a bit off with the crazy weather here too.
So much excitement… the spring blooms, the greenhouse, and the book! Thanks for sharing them with us on bloom day!
Your garden is gorgeous, no matter what the weather, Dee! Sounds like your spring has been as mine. I’m glad you’re greenhouse has been delivered. Looking forward to hearing/reading more about it!
You guys have a John Deere Bobcat of your very own? That is awesome! Glad the greenhouse landed safely. I like your yarrow, I was just thinking of getting some yarrow to fill a whole in one of my beds.
I bet it was nerve-wracking, watching him unload that greenhouse…I’d have been a nervous wreck! Love that Clematis on the fence…so idyllic 🙂
P.S. I hit post too soon. ha… Anyway… Can’t wait to see your greenhouse. It seems that everyone is writing a garden book. It will be interesting to see what yours is all about. Love the idea of telling a phone notes and it goes to the computer. You are truly connected.
Happy GBBD to you too. Your garden is starting to show all that cheerful color. We too have had wonderfully weird weather this spring.
If you don’t have anything to do:) tomorrow (May 18)come over to Will Rogers Park for the Garden Festival. 9:00-3:00 lots of vendors esp OKC garden clubs and Hort Society with lots of plants for sale and LateBloomers garden club is running the Festival Cafe once again; homemade chicken salad and sloppy Joes. Hopefully the worst of the rain will hold off till evening and it will just be a cloudy coolish day for plant shopping.
Your garden looks so great especially after reading about your late freeze. All your hard work covering things certainly paid off. I remember the first books I purchased nearly 40 years ago. I poured over the pages again and again to learn about gardening. I didn’t garden at all as a youth so it was all new to me then. Your future readers will certainly thank you if any of them were novices like I was all those years ago.
It has been an unusual spring, but it seems to have turned out great for you, dear Dee! I am so excited about your greenhouse, garden and especially the new book!
So many exciting happenings in your life, Dee … savor them!
and a big and saucy happy bloom day to you too, Dee!
So excited about your book! Congrats! I hope it has tons of oklahoma stuff since that is kinda lacking in the gardening book world! 🙂 I’m excited to get it and learn from you!