I made it to the Spring Fling, and although we’ve only met for dinner, I have two observations. My blogging friends are great fun, and when there are over 30 of us in one place, we are LOUD. We had a rousing Mexican dinner at Matt’s El Rancho. I kept wondering who Matt was, but I forgot to ask.

I got in early this morning and headed straight to Whole Foods Market. You see what my priorities are. Their flagship store is located in the center of Austin, and it is fabulous. I even got some of the dairy free truffles I love so much. After eating lunch in the Whole Foods deli, I went for a drive around the city. It is very beautiful right now. I would estimate that Austin is one month ahead of us in Oklahoma. Everything is so green. The irises are nearly bloomed out, and they have roses.
After finding the hotel (which I passed four times,) I went to the Zilker Botanical Garden. I toured the Japanese Garden, the rose garden, and the Green (as in sustainable Texas plants) Garden. I also walked through the Prehistoric Garden, but it really wasn’t my thing.
Giant metal statues of dinosaurs scare me.

I felt the peace of the Japanese Garden seeping into my bones after the jolting plane rides. Both flights went through the same thunderstorms which rolled through Austin and Dallas today. Lots of bouncing around up in the air. Again, not my thing.
I’m tired. I got up at 4:00 a.m., so I’m going to sign off for the night, but I wanted you to have some photos from the first day.
Sweet dreams, everyone. More tomorrow.
Ooooh, is that Monsieur Tillier in your first rose photo? I’ve been meaning to get to the Zilker gardens this week to see the roses since every single rose in my garden has burst into bloom since last Thursday, and the Zilker gardens have a lovely specimen of my favorite spring-blooming climber, Souvenir de Madame Leonie Viennot.
Hi Lori. Yes, it is MT. I looked at your rose on Antique Rose Emporium, and I don’t have that one.~~Dee
Dee, I enjoyed a quick tour of the Zilker gardens, too. I have to go back and look at pictures, everything is such a whirl in my mind.
I enjoyed meeting you and person and talking gardens and blogs! What a great time we all had.
Carol, we were probably there at the same time. I enjoyed meeting you too.~~Dee
Dee, your internal garden compass took you to a great place! Like Rachel and MSS, I also love the Taniguchi garden and am so glad you did, too. Too bad the scary dino kept you from loving the Hartman just as much ;-]
It was a privilege to sit near you at the El Rancho dinner – even if we could only catch every other word of the conversations going on …fun but loud!
Annie at the Transplantable Rose
Annie Sweetie, I can’t tell you what it meant to me to finally meet you in person. I’ve read your blog forever. As to my internal compass, I remembered the park from one of Pam/Digging’s posts. 🙂 ~~Dee
Sounds like Day #1 was great! Can’t wait to read the rest of your reviews… all of the posts I’ve read about the Spring Fling have made me even more envious than I already was. lol.
(Btw, I love that old rose at the top. Yours, or from Zilker?)
Kim, I hope you can come next time. Yes, I hear we’re going to have an annual Spring Fling. The rose was Monsieur Tillier, and he was huge! Over five feet tall. I’ve never seen MT blooming before, and it was in the Zilker garden.~~Dee
I’m glad that you were able to find things to do around Austin before Spring Fling proper began. We (Carol, Annie and I) were at the Botanical Gardens Friday morning, too. We might have run into you and not even known it since we hadn’t met face-to-face yet.
The dinner talk was loud! I had such a wonderful time but was completely drained afterward. And yet, I didn’t want it to end at all. I was so sad yesterday when I had to say goodbye to everyone. I felt we had only just begun to talk and there was still so much more to say.
Here’s a link a photo of Matt of Matt’s El Rancho. Matt died recently and there was a big write-up in our paper…but I couldn’t find it just now.
MSS, thanks for the link and for driving me all over town on Saturday. I couldn’t have managed the twisty directions for James David’s house or the parking at the garden center. I can’t believe we were all at Zilker on Friday. I loved meeting you, and seeing your sweet garden.~~Dee
Glad you had a fun time at the spring fling. I so want to go next year.
I hope you do.~~Dee
Greetings Ms. Nash, and of course, Ms. Newcomer (who I’m sure is your ever-present sidekick!) . . . thinking of you both as you tootle around Austin taking it in, talking it up and tracking trends, ideas and horticultural notions that you’ll soon share via your blogs. I’m so glad you’re my friend!
xoxo debra
Debra, I see you got our message. We had a wonderful time, but we want you with us next year. Too much fun!! I’m thrilled we’re friends too.~~Dee
Taniguchi Oriental Garden in Zilker Park is one of my most favorite places in Austin! I’m glad you enjoyed it, and that it brought you serenity.
It was great meeting you this weekend. I had a blast at the Spring Fling!
Rachel, lovely to meet you too. I wish I’d put the entire name of the garden in the post. Thanks for reminding me of it.~~Dee
Hi Dee, I hope you are having a good time at the spring fling! I have given you a book tag to do, rules on my blog, but only if you have time. x
Louise, I’ll be glad to do your book tag, but it will be a few days. I even know which book I’ll do.~~Dee
Dee, Thanks for keeping us up to date on your Austin journey. Such a nice shot of the Japanese Garden… yes, very peaceful indeed. Enjoy your time with all the “flingers” and do give us the low down on today. Can’t wait to hear about it.
Meems @Hoe&Shovel
Meems, thanks for the compliment. I wish you’d been there.~~Dee
Hi, Dee–thinking of you in Austin! Can’t wait to hear some stories when you return. Hope your daughter is fine.
Say hello to the bloggers for me! Love the Japanese garden photo. Very pretty. Kathryn
It was very fun. Look for a new post today (4/8/08.)~~Dee
Your photographs are awesome! You’re gettin’ gooood, girlfriend. So glad you are having a good time!
Rosebud, this is the best fun I’ve had since I gave birth 15 years ago.~~Dee
Good to hear that you made is safe and sound. Can’t wait to see and read more about the garden tours. Aren’t
Japanese Gardens wonderful? I would love to have a space like this. Aaaahhh. Have fun…
Lisa, I wish you’d been there. You’re someone I really want to meet someday.~~Dee
Hi Dee. Sounds like you are having fun.
It seems to me that Austin is the centre of the Garden Blogging world!
– so people even fly in to meet up!
P.S. I think I might have liked the dinosaurs!
Austin is pretty cool. I think you’d like it there. You would have liked the giant, iron dino. Just not my thing.~~Dee