It’s time again for you to nominate your favorite gardening blogs for the Mousies. The Mouse & Trowel Awards were created by freelance writer and garden blogger Colleen Vanderlinden of In the Garden Online. According to her website, “the Mousies were created so that garden bloggers and webmasters could be recognized by the most important people: their readers and their blogging peers.” Blogs, websites, and podcasters are honored each May.
If you love garden blogs or have a favorite garden website, and who doesn’t, go to nominate your favorites here. It’s easy. It’s fun.
I already made my selections, and I can’t wait to see the sites others choose. Go on . . . surprise me.
Hello Dee
Thank you so much for listing my blog as one of your ‘Favourite’ blogs on Blotanical. It is a great honour and makes me very pleased.
However . . . I decided, when I joined Blotanical, that I will only be putting blogs on my favourites list when I have read and enjoyed them over a period of time (that is why there is only one at present – Rosa-Sinensis – I was already reading that before I joined Blotanical)
. . . and I realise there is quite a lot of reciprocity between Blotanical members and that some automatically add each other to their ‘Favourites’ list, if they have been ‘favourited’ by someone else.
(I’m having difficulty getting my head round the grammar here!)
I don’t know whether you are collecting points . . . but in case you are . . . I’ll drop a few notes in your ‘Plot’ over the next few days . . . which will mean I can add a few points to your score as a way of saying ‘Thank you’ for your approval.
By the way, I can’t eat wheat or gluten either. (Though I can eat dairy foods – with the exception of some blue cheeses and yoghourt.)
I seem to be suffering from ‘creeping intolerances’. I have to avoid dried fruit, nuts, chocolate, marmite . . . and an ever growing list of things. Wheat makes me really ill though. Such a blight on life!
I’m jealous of your large garden – this is a downside to Blotanical – over and over, as I look through the blogs, I realise I will have to submit myself to the pain of envy!
Esther Montgomery
Gosh, Esther, I just chose you on Blotanical cause I thought you were creative. Hopefully, you’ll like my blog too. I worried a lot about intolerances too, but after being off dairy and wheat for almost two years and taking lots of probiotics, I am feeling better than I ever have.~~Dee