I’m Dee Nash, a native Oklahoman, and I’ve gardened here since my teens. I know from personal experience how challenging our prairie climate can be.
But my blog isn’t just for Oklahomans. Gardening can be challenging in other climates too. So, I share how to garden wherever you grow.
Enjoy the garden you’ve always wanted!
Featured posts
A bowl of blooming amaryllises and more for Garden Bloggers’ Bloom Day
Hello friends! For you this month, I have…
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Letting the garden grow
As I’ve been garden coaching so many of…
The bones of the garden
The wind is blowing, and leaves are falling.…
Zinnia favorites
It’s probably no surprise I love zinnias. I…
I have roses still
Not fresh May blooms, but the tough old girls who hold on past the freeze. Other than aphids and thrips, it's easy to be a May ingenue. November girls laugh at cold temperatures and tell late fall to "bring it" with a come on flutter of their cold speckled petals and leaves. Roses, who know what it's like to suffer and come on through. Not unlike some beautiful people I've known. These are the roses which now grace the garden. After tomorrow's cold front, they will only be a memory, but still . . . I'm grateful for them now. Note to self and everyone else. If you have container plants which stay outside, but need some protection, move them in close up against the east side of your home. I've saved many plants by doing this simple thing. Also any evergreens in containers you haven't yet planted, those can...
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Up and down
Up and down, the weather forecast for many of a day of late. Yesterday, it was frosty out on the pumpkin. Today, pretty warm. This weekend, warmer by far. However, next week we're told we'll need to pull the sweaters out of our cedar chests and cover our cold bodies. So, while it's nice, I'll be outside today planting bulbs. Then, after a long hot shower to wash away those aches and pains, I'm taking in a movie (one Harry Potter) with Bear, NGBF, Aimee, and her daughter and son. We're going to have popcorn, candy, cokes and loads of fun watching Harry and his band attempt to defeat the evil Voldemort. Once home, I'll attempt to vanquish the evil laundry which rises beast-like from the hamper. If I'm not back in a day or two, send out the requisite search party. On another subject, what do you think of...
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Give me color or give me spring
I mean, really, this fall has been nearly devoid of color, and I'm not one bit happy about it. Last year, I wrote rapturous melodies about the extraordinary color we were having. This fall, not so much. Only last week, we had some cool nights and warmer days along with a good rain of two inches at my house. Cool nights and warm days prime the pump for a good display, and this afternoon as I walked around the garden just perusing what is left; what needs a bit more mulch; and where oh where will I plant the rest of these bulbs; I was astounded at some of the color. I sighed in happiness at the beauty, and so, I guess I can wait for spring. This time of year I crave color more than a gluten free snickerdoodle cookie (they are my favorite cookie above all). I can't...
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Bulb story
red tulips with Hakonechloa 'All Gold' Once upon a time, there was a very earnest young gardener who imagined a field of tulips, 'Red Emperor' of course. She bought a big bag at the local store, came home, gathered her gardening bucket, her special bulb transplanter and gloves. Going outside, she dug holes at least three times as deep as the bulbs and then ever so gently placed the precious tulips in the ground. She heard a chattering in the trees above her, but, in a zen of planting pleasure, she ignored it. Five hundred red bulbs later and covered in dirt, she came inside, promptly ordered pizza for the kids and collapsed. The next spring, she waited in anticipation for her red carpeted masterpiece . . . and got . . . nearly . . . nothing. Between the squirrels, moles and voles, her tulips became a winter smorgasbord....
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