According to Merriam-Webster’s online dictionary, defined as:
1. the technique or process of representing on a plane or curved surface the spatial relation of objects as they might appear to the eye ; specifically representation in a drawing or painting of parallel lines as converging in order to give the illusion of depth and distance b: a picture in perspective.
2. the interrelation in which a subject or its parts are mentally viewed (places the issues in proper perspective); also point of view; the capacity to view things in their true relations or relative importance (urge you to maintain your perspective and to view your own task in a larger framework — W. J. Cohen.
3. a visible scene ; especially : one giving a distinctive impression of distance : vista; a mental view or prospect gain a broader perspective on the situation.

What does this have to do with gardening and such? Not much, except that HH is still recovering from a stomach virus or food poisoning. Since he normally helps in the a.m., I’m doing double car duty. First, I take the Diva at 6:40 to meet her carpool buddies at 7:00. Then I’m home by 7:20. At 7:40, I take ASW and Bear to their school. Then, back home again, jiggity jig.
There’s a request for white grape juice from the patient, so I’ll be making another stop on the way home.

All of this made me think about perspective, that ability to draw something on a flat surface and make it look three dimensional. I took art classes at various times in my life, so I value perspective. It can also mean changing one’s literal point of view in order to see something better, like looking up into the sky so that you can see the tree branches in stark contrast against it.
Another definition is changing one’s viewpoint in order to emotionally see something in a different way. After staying up three nights with a sick husband, I forced myself to see the situation differently (while praying that I don’t get sick too).
The first drive afforded me three separate opportunities to see the sun rise purple and orange over the charcoal trees; their branches hanging in the imperial hued sky like embroidered lace. The second drive saw those same trees pressed against blue skies this morning, clouded ones yesterday.

Stir in a little Christmas music from Magic 104.1, and you can almost feel the stress melting away.
Perpsective. It’s all in how you look at it, don’t you think?
Hi Dee, I’ve been logged on to your site for a couple of hours, I think; I ended up clicking on several of your links which took me from one place to the next place and on and on. I signed up for ‘great garden bloggers’, copied the link for ‘green thumb bloggers’, looked at some photo sites, etc. I have you on my ‘faved’ list on blotanical & I’ve been so busy figuring that out that I haven’t had as much time to visit everyone’s blog as much as I should. It is kind of overwhelming because it requires a lot of TIME, and I don’t know how all of these garden bloggers find the time to write and leave comments as often as they do! Anyway, I just wanted to say hi, as long as I’m here! Have a nice weekend! Jan/ThanksFor2Day
Beautiful photos– from any perspective. Thanks for the smile. Sooo often I wish there was a button to push that changed my perspective. 🙂
CurtissAnn´s last blog post..Comfort for the Woman and Her Cold
Hi Dee, Yes, perspective is the thing that determines how we feel. Perspective requires thought, & what we think has a direct effect on our emotions. The only time I can think of when perspective is difficult to alter is when you’re sick, like your husband! Then, no matter HOW you choose to think, you still FEEL horrible!! Jan
Jan/ThanksFor2Day´s last blog post..Don’t Pick This!
Lovely photos, Dee – enjoy your drives and scenes and radio – and hope you’re stronger than whatever your husband has caught ;-]
Annie at the Transplantable Rose
Thank you, Annie.~~Dee
Perspective – great concept, thoughtful post.
This past week, suffering the miseries of a bad cold, an abscessed tooth and a root canal, the perspective shift that came to me (thanks to getting OLDER) is hey, none of it’s life-threatening!
Oh, Susan, you poor thing! I can so get the “none of it’s life threatening” idea though.~~Dee
It is definitely all about perspective. I hope you don’t come down with what HH has.
So far, so good.~~Dee
Great post and very timely. I’m sure a lot of readers are needing a bit of perspective with the holidays bearing down. I’m happy to see your stress melt away, and reading your words and seeing your photos banished mine.
Kim´s last blog post..All I Want For Christmas . . . .
Advent helps me stay focused.~~Dee
Most of the time scenes like you showed beautifully above evoke emotions in me. I am sorry your hubby is sick. My son had that awful mess. I don’t want it either.
Anna/Flowergardengirl´s last blog post..Fiskars, Hydrangeas, And Two Determined People
Only two of the family have it so far thank the Lord.~~Dee
Nice perspectives, literally & figuratively!
Cindy´s last blog post..See Beautiful La Paz Without Leaving Home!
Thanks, Cindy.~~Dee
Yes it is and also it is the crux of the problem amongst humans at times.
tina´s last blog post..A Couple of Blogging Sisters
So true, Tina, so true.~~Dee
Why we do what we do needs to frame what we do and color how we do it. When we lose the frame it ruins the perspective.
(How’s that for an extended metaphor?)
Kathy from Cold Climate Gardening´s last blog post..Stocking stuffer gifts for gardeners
Kathy, that made me smile. It’s so true.~~Dee
And how about the perspective of those busy, busy people streaking down the highway and never looking up. That is a perspective we don’t want to share;)
Marnie, I never thought of that. Thanks for reminding me. I dream while driving that highway everyday.~~Dee
Lovely, wise post; such a good reminder at this time of year. It’s so easy to get mired down in one’s own perspective & fail to see how things are for those around us. I’m glad no one else at your house is ill & I wish HH a speedy recovery.
Mr. McGregor’s Daughter´s last blog post..Squirrelhaven’s 1st Snowfall*
Thanks so much MMD. The hardest part about the Advent season is slowing down enough to listen and see.~~Dee
Hi Dee, Thank you for visiting my stream and leaving your kind comment! Yes the mermaids are still there in Ocala along with the manatee’s You can see them so clearly in the spring waters. They tried to close down the attraction last year, but it has now been registered a historic landmark. Yeah, I still have a chance. Kitsch Heaven! Elizabeth
Elizabeth, I hope you get to go again. Tell your hubby to take you in the fall or early spring before it’s too hot.~~Dee
Yes I do! We can’t change what happens but we can change our perspectives of it! I do so like your post and the delightful photos…I hope you remain healthy and HH is soon well! gail
Gail´s last blog post..Rent A Goat Revisited
Glad you enjoyed it, Gail. Me too on the not getting sick. Ick.~~Dee
How awesome is that. How things can change in a few minutes.
Especially when surrounded by nature, eh Curtis?~~Dee
A lovely post Dee. So many things in life can be experienced so differently if we are able to change our perspective! Lovely photos 🙂
Amy´s last blog post..Skywatch – A Northern Winter Sky
Yes, and I have to remind myself all the time. 🙂 ~~Dee