After I wrote the post, Rain Music, about the joys of my rain chain, I was contacted by the good people at Teak, Wicker and More. They asked if I would like to try one of their products, or give one away.
Guess which one I chose? I wanted to give you, my dear readers, something beautiful.
I was able to choose any item from their outdoor furniture line. Several people commented on the rain chain post that they would like a rain chain of their own, so I thought this would be perfect.
Here are the features (copied directly from their website):
- Crafted from stainless steel electroplated copper
- Available in 6 different cup styles
- Available in full and half length chains
- May be shortened or combined with another chain to create various lengths
- Easily attaches to existing gutter systems
- Hanging attachment included
- Some assembly and installation required
- Full Length Dimensions: 96″ H x 3″ W x 3″ D
For a chance to win, here is what you need to do:
- Comment on this post and say where you think you would use the rain chain. Your answer has no bearing on who wins. I just want to know. Nosy, I guess.
- The contest ends on May 10th at Midnight, CST.
- The winner will be chosen via the random number generator on Random.org., and
- The contest is only open to citizens within the continental United States. To all my friends in other countries, I’m sorry. It’s just too expensive for the company to ship overseas.
Now, I hope you’re as excited as I am. Comment away, and let’s see who wins.
its mothers day and i shopped litely my wife would love it nearher wind chimes on patio
I’ve been looking at rain chains. I’d love to have one in the place of the downspout beside the front porch.
Robin´s last blog post..Finally, I Got My Lantana!
I really want one or two of these! I would place it by my front door, enjoy it every day rain or shine and use the water to water my flower garden.
What a fabulous give-away! It is truly beautiful and musical too. I would put these on my house — hang it from my little roof over my front door that we are in the process of converting to a green roof.
I actually specked these on a commercial site and the copper chains were stolen! Copper was pretty valuable at the time.
Pam Kersting´s last blog post..Wisteria Lane
We just did a job where the house next door had rain chains, we’d place our along the ramp to our deck where we could enjoy it from the screened porch as it rained.
Randy´s last blog post..CSA First of the Season
Now that I’ve seen rain chains on other garden blogs, I’ve begun to covet one of my own! I think I’ll put it on the northwest corner of the house where the gutters always overflow. Doesn’t that make sense? LOL
RobinL´s last blog post..The garden comes to life
I love the sound of rain! We get so little here I would love to hang this outside my bedroom window and pray for rain!
sondra´s last blog post..Blogging Break???
How fun, Dee! I have the perfect spot … here at the cottage (where I am today) beside my screen porch where I love to sit/sleep and listen to the rain … aw … wonderful!
How wonderful a rain chain would look coming down from the corner of the garage roof. It would be so much fun to watch the rain ease its way down the chain. I live in Canada and I bet the company would send to me if I paid the postage!! But if by some weird chance I am the winner I will provide you a mailing address in the USA and then I will pay my good friend to mail it to me.
Crafty Gardener´s last blog post..The Marsh Marigolds
Dee this is an excellent company and deliver pronto with great customer service.
I would put my chain on Copper Top Cottage. I once wrote about a rain chain also—not as you did and so thorough. I wrote about the rain chain at the Bob Timberlake gallery. The post was titled—A More Lovely Way To Collect Rain. So I want it because of that! It will make Copper Top Cottage even more Coppery.
What a pretty rain chain.
I would hang it by my front porch. That way I could see it all the time(-:
cindee´s last blog post..After The Rain
Dee, I have a spot outside my Family Room window, where I have always wanted a rain-chain. When it rains, all the water from that side of the roof runs off in that corner, and into that flower bed. I have tried various things, and right now have a slab of limestone to keep the rain from beating a hole into the dirt. It always makes such a muddy mess, I know a rain-chain would be just the ticket for that spot!
Jenny B´s last blog post..April Showers Bring May Flowers
I would love to put this on the corner of my house that needs something in place of my downspout. I’ve been looking at rainchains for a long time & just not able to get one. I think they are beautiful & artistic.
Great Giveaway, Thanks!
I think the rain chain would be just the thing I need on the corner of the porch to lull me to sleep on a rainy afternoon.
Well, in Seattle we do get a lot of rain, and I’ve always admired those copper rain-catchers but couldn’t justify spending on one. I’d put it at the corner of our house where the gutters tend to overflow anyway, next to the front porch, so I could watch it in action. Great giveaway!
Karen´s last blog post..Skywatch Friday – May 8, 2009
I just installed a rain barel on my patio near my window. I listened to the rain go drip, drip, drip hitting the barel the other day. I thought to myself that I need to put up a chain so I won’t hear the dripping. Then I read your blog about the rain chain. How timely it was. I’m sure I will get one, but winning one would be fun!
Jeanette in Texas´s last blog post..New plants!
I’d give it to one of my Blotanical virtual friends, since all our gutters are burried.
Tatyana´s last blog post..Geranium Revival
Dee, Wow! How generous! If I were to be the lucky winner, I’d hang it from my cherry tree in my back yard, where I could see it from my kitchen window as I look out at the pouring rain! I live in Portland, so no shortage of rain here! Oh! I hope I win…I’ve been wanting one of these for a long time 🙂
Tessa at Blunders with shoots, blossoms ‘n roots´s last blog post..Wordless Wednesday
I would love to have a rain chain on the back corner of my 1932 cottage – I don’t have gutters, so it would be a perfect spot! I would enjoy listening to it while I work on my plans to restore the back garden.
I’d put it on the corner of the entrance of our house where we are having water issues. We were going to dig a french drain anyway and it could feed right into it.
Of course I have to leave a comment–just to have a chance to win the thing. Don’t know where I would put it. Might give to my sister for her garden, might keep it myself and put it on the deck with the windchimes. Or stake it out beside the big D.
mlc´s last blog post..radishes for supper
Wow! I really liked that rain-chain, never even seen anything like that in Sweden. If I had one I would put it on the greenhouse where I’m abel to see it even from the house. But since I dont think you ship over seas… I’ll have to keep on dreamin about that one =) Have a great springday / gittan
gittan´s last blog post..Ett par krukor planterade – I’ve planted a feew pots
Well this absolutely trumps my seed give away. Still, I want a rain chain and will use with my brand spanking new rain barrel. Does bribing you with seeds help my chances? No, thought not:)
Please enter me in the give away. I would put the rain chain near the garage – the entrance everyone uses when they come to visit.
Sherri´s last blog post..Garden Envy
Oooh goody!
I have been planning a rain garden in the front yard with a rain chain that flows into a saucer for some time now. Since we have a dozen projects happening or planned at any given time, this one hasn’t had its number pulled just yet…
Hmmmmmm, I think I would have to hang it outside the bedroom window. If I win maybe it will help me have a ‘Garden with Style’. *wink* 🙂 Good job on the article, Dee and the photos are just beautiful.
Randy´s last blog post..It’s All About ‘Dirt Therapy’
I love rain chains and have wanted one for years but I haven’t been able to justify the cost.
That one you are offering is divine.
Where would we hang it? Of course on the corner of the garden shed where we spend our evenings in the winter.
Martha´s last blog post..Table Top Gardener is One Cool Tool for Gardeners
I LOVE rain chains! When we got gutters (or, more elegantly, eavestroughs, as they call them in Canada), we actually left one downspout off on the back wall of our house, with a plan to install a rain chain down into a decorative vessel for either rainwater storage or a water feature. And then we got distracted, so we don’t have a rain chain yet. 🙂 Or a vessel.
Rachel @ in bloom´s last blog post..Garden Tour
what a great addition to a garden this rain chain would make Here in puget sound we get lots of rain, Im thinking I would enjoy this near my herb garden next to my sun room where i can watch and listen and still remain dry.
On the interior corner of my bedroom wing here in the Sierra Mountains so i can wake to the sound of rain. It was my favorite childhood memory (rain on my grandmother’s tin roof). Love your blog.
This rain chain would go on the new garden shed, which will illustrate even a little space, can make a big difference in rain water collection.
Patsybell´s last blog post..
Water collection is my passion these days. I have rain barrels at three sights on the shop and house. If I had a rain chain, I know right where it would go. On the new garden shed to collect water from it’s tiny roof, to proves even a little water collection helps.
Patsybell´s last blog post..
I have the perfect spot for a rain chain, by my patio. Right now, there is a downspout there and I’ve connected it to some of that ugly black plastic corrugated pipe, and then buried that under the flower bed so that the water drains out into the yard. If I had a rain chain there, I could get rid of that ugly downspout and black pipe and have something beautiful there instead.
And once you have something beautiful in your life, whether little or big, it can change everything for the better!
Carol, May Dreams Gardens´s last blog post..Embrace Patience For A Happier Life
Oh, I’ve always wanted one of these! I would put it somewhere around my patio so I could hear when I’m sitting out there.
Dee, I loved your article in the new Alabama Gardener!
I’m in! I’ve envisioned a rain chain (emptying into a water barrel) on my garage next to my espalier where a current downspout basically dumps water into the garage.
Jim/ArtofGardening´s last blog post..I see you there. Don’t think I can’t see you.
Oh I would place it on the corner of my patio where it would catch the most and I could hear it easily. It would be a great reminder of rainy days at home. And now off to checkout that website!
Oh, I’m familiar with Teak, Wicker and More, I drool over their goodies regularly. What a great giveaway!
That rain chain is fantastic! I have a water issue (unsightly downspout)at the corner of my rock garden, I think it would look lovely there!
Nola at the Alamo´s last blog post..Back in Action
Finishing touches to a newly completed deck overlooking the back garden….the wind-twisting and twirling, the sun-reflections looking like a high sheen glow and the rain-giving life to the loops as water flows downward….. sign me up!
i love your post.i also love the rain chain,it would look lovely off our front porch ,please continue posting i read your post daily,thanks a million
I would love it on the downspout by my patio, what a lovely sound to hear while relaxing out there with coffee or a iced beverage. 🙂
Racquel´s last blog post..A forgotten pass-a-long
I would love to have one of these lovely rain chains on the corner of the house. I have the perfect place for it. Please put my name in the pot.
If I had a rain chain I’d put it on the northwest corner of the house, so I could hear it while working on the computer..
Great giveaway!
Sweet Bay´s last blog post..Wild Geranium
I would love to put the rain chain just outside my front porch. We have a porch swing we like to sit on to watch the rain, and it would be nice to listen to it as well.
Count me in. I’d probably put it on my husband’s garage. It has no gutters so the rain falling thru it would be lovely. How nice of them to allow you to give away one.
tina´s last blog post..Summer Pets
How lovely! I would probably put mine somewhere around the new patio that is in the beginning stages. I will probably have it covered with a porch roof. So I’d likely want to put one there.
Brenda Kula´s last blog post..Taking Down Trees
That’s a nice giveaway, Dee. I’d love to have a rain chain and would hang it at the back corner of the house that’s visible from the deck and the kitchen window.
Pam/Digging´s last blog post..Visit to Hamilton Pool
Rain chains are beautiful. There is a beautful house on the river with them that I drool over. I would hang a rain chain by my front door and enjoy the June thunderstorms.
Cool idea! I would put this wonderful rain chain in my corner rock garden, which I have been working on adding perennial color plants to this year.
Our house forms an “L” and the runoff from both roofs falls into a rain barrel. I would hang the chain so that it would direct the rainfall into the rain barrel. The kitchen window opens onto this area, and the dishwater would get a concert on rainy days!
Kathy from Cold Climate Gardening´s last blog post..No Rain
Oh this is too exciting Dee! I really have been wanting one of those rain chains and it would be perfect on the corner of the shed at the top of the hill. It has no gutters so the rain would fall gracefully down the rungs. It is is full view from the lazyboy too. 🙂 I predict you will be innundated with hopeful comments! 🙂
Frances´s last blog post..What Is This Plant? 2009*Now We Know!
That would be a wonderful thing to wake up to on a rainy morning, so it would go right outside my bedroom window
Nancy´s last blog post..Roses After the Rain
Dee I would place it outside our bedroom so we could enjoy the sounds while in bed. We already like the soothing sound of the rain on the new metal roof we had installed a couple of years ago.
How sweet Dee…There are two places it would work and look great; but the screened porch location is best! Gail
Gail´s last blog post..Penstemon X Revisited*
We have a new pergola on our patio and would put the rain chain there. Last year we stained the patio the color of red dirt, which I am sure you can understand! Beats fighting against nature in Oklahoma!
I can think of several places I’d use and enjoy a rain chain. There’s a spot near the trellis outside my breakfast room windows where I could watch AND hear it. It would look really smashing there, so I think that’s my first choice. Thanks for the giveaway, Dee!
Cindy, MCOK´s last blog post..Through the Garden Gate: Monday, May 4th
I think I’d actually give it to our good friends who have shared much of their time and effort with us as we moved into our new house. They have lent us tools, passed along extra landscaping plants, and generally been extremely wonderful to us.
Eva´s last blog post..Green Thumb Sunday: Azalea
I love the idea but feel like someone who could enjoy it year round would get better use of it…here it would be most used in winter when I don’t leave the windows open or sit outside when it rains. I picture it being a wonderful garden addition during a nice summer rain!
Leslie´s last blog post..Where Did All These Roses Come From?
I was thinking that I would use the rain chain on the edge of our patio where the wind chimes are
paula´s last blog post..Fixed My Little Red Wagon