With this post, I hope to clarify a couple of things. Although I said I grow ninety roses, I don’t own ninety different varieties, although it may be close.
Several commenters requested more photos of my roses within the landscape. Before RDR, I didn’t take many photos of Rosehaven. I regret that. My advice to any gardener and/or parent is to take lots of photos. Take them of the garden and of your children. Take them of the children in the garden for that matter. Normally, I don’t post photos of my children online, but this one of Bear and ASW in front of ‘Zephirine Droughin’ is very old. ZD never looked so good since that year, and I’ve added a couple of gardens on either side of them.
Now, for a list of the roses I currently grow:

‘Dream Come True’ (1) Grandiflora (2008) You may notice a theme of yellow/pink/peach blends. I’m very attracted to that color, and there were a lot to choose from the last few years.
‘Mardi Gras’ (2) Floribunda (2008)
‘Winner’s Circle’ (1) Climber (2008 I think)
‘Aromatherapy’ (1) Hybrid Tea. I bought it because Pat said it smelled better than any rose he’d sniffed before. He warned me it would get blackspot, and it so did.
‘Home Run’ (1) Shrub rose (2006)
‘Cl. Pinkie’ (1) Climber, (1952) and’Don Juan’ (1) Modern Climber (1958) . These grow on an arbor & were just planted last spring. So far, a little blackspot, but lovely.
Others, in alphabetical order:
‘About Face’ (1) Grandiflora (2005)
‘Altissimo’ (4) Climber (1966)
‘Baronne Prevost’ (1) Hybrid Perpetual (1842)
‘Baseye’s Blueberry’ (1) Shrub rose (1982)
‘Belinda’s Dream’ (2) Shrub rose (1992)
‘Betty Prior’ (1) Floribunda (1935) BP always loses its leaves to blackspot, but it is so vigorous, it is bullet proof.
‘Blushing Knockout’ (1) Shrub rose

‘Buff Beauty’ (1) Hybrid Musk (1939) A beautiful, light yellow rose. It does get some blackspot, but this doesn’t seem to hurt it at all. The blooms do quickly lose their petals in a vase.
‘Carefree Beauty’ (1) Shrub rose (1977)
‘Carefree Sunshine’ (1) Shrub rose (can’t find year of intro; this rose is related to the Knockout family; never has a bit of blackspot; wants to climb in my garden).
‘Carefree Wonder’ a/k/a ‘Dynastie’ (1) Shrub rose (1990)
‘Cecile Brunner’ (1) Polyantha (1881) I own the shrub, but I’m told the climber is even more spectacular. Beautiful little blooms. Very little blackspot.
‘Cliffs of Dover’ (1) Shrub rose (1995) I found this rose at TLC on sale and brought it home. I’m so glad I did. It’s a wonderful backdrop for all of my other plants. It needs very little care.
‘Double Knockout’ (3) Shrub rose
‘The Fairy’ (1) Polyantha; wish I had more
‘Fairy Queen’ (2) Polyantha (gets more blackspot here than ‘The Fairy’)
‘Footloose’ a/k/a ‘Mirato’ (1) Shrub rose (1990)
‘Golden Slippers’ (1) Floribunda
‘Hot Cocoa’ (1) Floribunda (2003) Although this rose is a cool color, I think this will be its last season in the garden. It thrived for a couple of years, but is now in decline. We’ll see.
‘Jefferson’ (1) Found Shrub
Knockout (3) Shrub rose
‘La France’ (1) Hybrid Tea
‘Louis Phillipe’ (1) China (1834)

‘Marie Pavie’ (2) Polyantha (1888)
‘Mutabilis’ (1) China (c. 1900) I’ve been thinking about sending this one to my friends down south because my garden is a little cold for it. It’s o.k., but it doesn’t thrive here.
Mystery Apricot Rose
‘New Dawn’ (2)
‘Cl. Old Blush’ (2) on an arbor
‘Old Blush’ (2)
OSO EASYTM Paprika Rose (1) Shrub. This was given to me at the 2007 GWA meeting in Oklahoma City. It is a peach single, but hardy and disease resistant. It was tiny and is, so far, residing in a container.
‘Pink Knockout’ (6) Shrub. What can I say? They were on sale.
‘Pinata’ (1) Cl. Floribunda
‘Rainbow Knockout’ (2)
‘Reine des Violettes’ (1) (Gets blackspot, but smells like raspberries, so . . . .)
‘Rio Samba’ (2)
‘Skyrocket,’ a/k/a ‘Wilhelm’ (1) Hybrid Musk (1934)
Cl. ‘Souvenir de Malmaison’ (1) Climber (1893) (I dug up one of them last spring. The climbing form is terrible here. It doesn’t thrive. It balls up. I hate it, and I still have one).
‘Souvenir de St. Anne’s’ Bourbon? (1950) a sport of ‘Souvenir de Malmaison’ (1)

‘Tropicana’ a/k/a ‘Super Star’ (1) Hybrid Tea (1960) HH had this shrub when I met him, and almost 20 years later, it still thrives.
‘Zephirine Droughin’ (2) on an arbor
In the side garden photo (third from the top), you can see ‘Buff Beauty’ on the left with ‘Footloose’ behind it. Also on the left at the rear of the garden is ‘Golden Slippers.’ On the right, the climbers are ‘Altissimo,’ and ‘Sophy’s Rose’ is in front on the right. This photo was taken in June, 2007. All of these roses remain in the garden, but I’ve changed some of the ones betwixt and between.
Griffith Buck Roses:
‘Apple Jack’ (1)
‘Country Dancer’ (1)
‘Frontier Twirl’ (1)
‘Serendipity’ (1) (I hate this rose. It doesn’t thrive & is always covered in blackspot)

The Austins:
‘Abraham Darby’ (1) English Shrub Rose (1985)
‘Gertrude Jekyll’ (1) English Shrub Rose (1986)
‘Graham Thomas’ (1) English Shrub Rose (1983)
‘Heritage’ (1)
‘Sophy’s Rose’ (1)
‘Teasing Georgia’ (1)
And, then there are the mysteries. I have a rose from the Canadian Explorer Series, and I don’t remember its name. I own another beautiful pink rose with no name. It does smell just as sweet. The yellow/apricot mystery above, and, finally, a hot pink, one-time blooming number which supposedly came across the frontier in a covered wagon.
Roses I’ve Killed (an illustrius, but non-exclusive list): ‘Chrysler Imperial,’ ‘Mr. Lincoln,’ ‘Paul Neyron,’ ‘Prairie Clogger,’ ‘Prairie Sunrise,’ ‘Sexy Rexy,’ ‘Gertrude Jekyll,’ ‘Heritage,’ and ‘Graham Thomas’ (actually HH killed the last three. He set them on fire, but that’s another story), ‘John F. Kennedy,’ ‘Cl. Golden Showers,’ ‘Europeana’ (a blackspot magnet), ‘Simplicity,’ both ‘Bonica’ and ‘Royal Bonica’ (several times; I kept reading that they were easy.) There are many, many more, but you get the idea.
Oh, dear, now my count only comes to 83. I was wrong, dear readers, about how many I have. I think it’s because I removed several this this year which were non-performers.
Just remember, life is too short to grow horrid roses.
I’m in awe of your beautiful roses…in fact, your whole garden! I’ve only recently begun trying more roses in our zone 5 garden, and feel like a novice, so reading your rose posts has been a big help.
The ZD with your cute kids is such a wonderful photo!
So, how do you combat black spot? This past summer something ate most of the leaves on my tiny collection of 7 rose bushes (except for the one climber). I found a few Japanese beetles and figured they were probably the culprits.
Thanks for these 2 great posts and the lovely pics, Dee.
kerri´s last blog post..Snowy Thanksgiving
Kerri, thanks for the question about blackspot. I’m already thinking of how to answer it because it deserves its own post. I hate JP. They are the super pits.~~Dee
I don’t know what impresses me most–that you grow all these roses, or that you remember the names of all of them.
I have been warned about black spot down in Mobile, but I want some very fragrant roses just the same, just a few. I do have the Cecile Brunner climber (if I remember correctly) and it is amazing and lovely in spring. My Chrysler Imperial somehow survives and gives the most fragrant blooms, I love it.
CurtissAnn´s last blog post..Book Tag on a Day for Fun
Honey, I had to go over this post a number of times. I don’t know what impresses me most–that you grow all these roses, or that you remember the names of all of them.
I have been warned about black spot down in Mobile, but I want some very fragrant roses just the same, just a few. I do have the Cecile Brunner climber (if I remember correctly) and it is amazing and lovely in spring. My Chrysler Imperial somehow survives and gives the most fragrant blooms, I love it.
CurtissAnn´s last blog post..Book Tag on a Day for Fun
I SO agree life it to short to grow horrid roses! Love your pictures, and your detailed list, thank you for sharing (my murder list is longer than yours)
Love the Roses and the other sprouts in the photo as well.
Curtis´s last blog post..Black and White Orchid
Wow, Dee! I don’t know how you do it!
Brenda Kula´s last blog post..Solitude And Thanks
I love the pink roses in the arch way framing your children.
I looked for Hot Cocoa on your list, and sure enough, you have it, but I am sad to read it is in decline.
This is the rose I want to buy next.
Co-author of “Scrapbook of Christmas Firsts: Stories to Warm Your Heart and Tips to Simplify Your Holiday”
Terra´s last blog post..Happy Thanksgiving!
You have the most beautiful garden! I can’t imagine how wonderful it must smell during bloom time.
Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours.
Aiyana´s last blog post..Bloomin’ Tuesday
I bet your garden smells like heaven in early summer! You have a wonderful collection of roses Dee. 🙂
Racquel´s last blog post..Wordless Wednesday 11/26/08
If you are ever planning a trip to Charleston, SC, let me know. We have a rose walk throughout the City focused on old antique roses. Great post on roses!
compostinmyshoe´s last blog post..Street Lamp
I hope to get there someday when your roses are blooming. I’d love to take that walk.~~Dee
They are absolutely beautiful! I’d love to come and spend a week in your yard – painting!
Oh, Jamie, please do anytime you’re in town.~~Dee
Dee, Your roses leave me almost speechless. I can’t imagine what lovely fragrances are in the air in your garden!
nola´s last blog post..#99 Blogging Meme
Dee, thanks for sharing your wonderful roses with us! 83 roses is alot but I love them and can understand the need for them!! Happy rose gardening!
Sherri´s last blog post..My Bookclub was Great!
Sherri, I don’t know about “need” unless we’re discussing my addiction for them. One day, I’ll count the daylilies.~~Dee
If I ever have a question regarding roses, I know who I’ll be asking… : )
Your roses are absolutely beautiful!! I am so addicted to the David Austin roses.
By the way, when planting a bare root rose in early spring, can you anticipate any blooms that same year?
Liisa´s last blog post..Holy bananas, batman!!
Hi Liisa, oh yes, I’ll get blooms the same year. The secret is that roses are extreme feeders, so they need a really rich soil with a long acting fertilizer. Then, I get good growth and lots of blooms.~~Dee
Although I have about the same amount of roses, we only have 3 varieties in common: The Fairy, New Dawn and Abraham Darby. That just shows how many rose varieties there are, around the world, doesn’t it!
Katarina (Roses and stuff)´s last blog post..Why do I garden?
Yes, Katarina, it does. I’d like to know some of your varieties I don’t have.~~Dee
Look at you with all these roses. And hybrid teas! LOVE the ZD with the kids. I am longing to try Carefree Sunshine. I hope I can find it in the spring.
Elizabeth, I wonder if CS would do well where you live. I bet it would. The question is do you have enough room?~~Dee
Thanks for the show. I am now convinced that my mom hasn’t given her ZD enough room. Time to install some more trellising on that garage wall. And since Deb is offering a suggestion, I have to add a couple too, both David Austin Roses. The first is one my mom has, ‘Sharifa Asma.’ The other she had until the freak year when the Roses were blooming in December then got killed by the sudden cold, ‘Bibi Mazoon.’ Both have wonderful fragrance & beautiful form. I don’t know anyone who grows Bibi, but I loved that Rose.
Mr. McGregor’s Daughter´s last blog post..This Was Supposed to Be a Thanksgiving Post…
MMD, ZD will grow into as much room as you give her. I don’t think I want any more David Austin roses. They put on a pretty good show in the spring, but just don’t like my hot weather. ‘Gertrude Jekyll’ and ‘Graham Thomas’ seem to like the heat best. I’ve seen ‘Bibi Mazoon,’ and she is lovely.~~Dee
What a collector you are! You make them all play together wonderfully. The pics are inspiring. I’m still lusting after Carefree Sunshine and will have to figure out a way to shoehorn one in.
Pam/Digging´s last blog post..Giving thanks in the garden
I used to be a collector because I wanted at least one of everything. That was a mistake. It is better to group plants which do well together. For example, I wish I had three ‘Carefree Beauty,’ but now I have nowhere to put them. I did the same thing with daylilies & now I’m weeding many of the non-performers out and grouping threes of the good ones. Thanks for your kinds words, Pam.~~Dee
They are all just beautiful. Especially the pink one on the arch with the cute kids under it. Have a great Thanksgiving.
Hi Tina, thank you. That would be ZD. Happy Thanksgiving to you too.~~Dee
If you had only roses in your life, you would have much to be thankful for, Dee. A beautiful, informative post with great photos. Happy Thanksgiving!
Thank you so much.~~Dee
Interesting that one of your Griffith Buck roses is always covered in blackspot. I thought GB roses were supposed to be very disease resistant.
Kathy from Cold Climate Gardening´s last blog post..Garden Bloggers Bloom Day November 2008
Ah, Kathy, you noticed. Yes, they are, but ‘Serendipity’ is not disease resistant at all. It is also a washed out, grayish pink. A dear friend bought it for me which is the only reason it isn’t already gone. All of my other GB roses, past and present, are extremely hardy and disease resistant.~~Dee
Dee, I think you need a Duchess de Brabrant. Or maybe I should not be encouraging this behavior teehee:)
Hi Deb, the highly perfumed, light pink mystery rose is supposed to be ‘Duchess de Brabant,’ but I’m not sure it is. It doesn’t look quite right, but is so beautiful and sweet smelling that I keep it.~~Dee
Great advice. Life is too short to grow horrid roses, or really any flower that you don’t like.
Even at 83, you still have a collection of roses that inspires us all. Roses are on my list for spring!
Carol, May Dreams Gardens´s last blog post..Time for Indoor Bulbs!
Thanks, Carol. I hope you plant two or three next spring.~~Dee
I love seeing all of these horrid roses. tee hee.. Cute kids too.
They’re both what keep me coming back. 🙂 ~~Dee
Hi Dee, what a wonderland of roses you have. I have several from your first list, Altissimo has been a highlight here, and Carefree Sunshine, the newest addition sounds promising. How do you feel about About Face? I have that and bought it for both daughters. Theirs are great but mine is disappointing.
Your garden is so inviting, I do think the roses like Oklahoma!
Frances´s last blog post..Cold Artistry Or Here Comes The Sun
Frances, I dearly love ‘About Face.’ What a fabulous, disease resistant rose it is. Such gorgeous color. Could yours be getting too much shade? Mine is in full, hot sun in a bed that drains a little more slowly if that helps.~~Dee
I am once again falling in love with the unattainable! But you’ve said a few don’t mind some shade so maybe there is hope for me and roses. Your children are adorable! Your roses, your daylilies…in fact your garden is gorgeous! Thank you for such a detailed shopping list! I can print it and take it with me! Warmest wishes for a wonderful Thanksgiving! Gail
Gail´s last blog post..I am truly thankful for you….
Gail, that side garden is on the East side of my house and gets only morning sun. They seem to thrive there if that helps. Thanks, that is a very old photo of them. ASW is almost 14 now, and Bear is nearly 10. I’m glad you liked my inventory.~~Dee