Every so often, usually in early spring, I receive items to either review or use in articles. A couple of months ago, Troy-Bilt asked me to review their new, 7lb, lithium, ion trimmer.
First, I want to be clear that I will always tell you if I’m given something. Also, know that I am always honest with you about my experiences with plants, composters, rain barrels, or whatever I’m sent. One of the things I like about Troy-Bilt is their desire to hear the truth about their products. They take this information and then work to improve their product line.
First, what I really like about the trimmer:
- Because it uses a battery, it produces no emissions, and therefore doesn’t hurt the atmosphere.
- The lithium ion battery is rechargeable which is wonderful. I don’t know how long the battery will last, but I’m sure replacements can be purchased through Troy-Bilt.
- The charge lasts a long time. I used the trimmer for over an hour and still had half a charge left.
- Although the battery is heavy, the trimmer is well balanced, so it doesn’t feel heavy.
- It is quiet.
Now, for what I don’t like:
- The trigger must be held down the entire time the trimmer is used. This doesn’t sound like much, but to engage the battery, you must hold the trimmer down with all the force you can with your hands. On a garden writers’ list, I mentioned this, and one of the other writers said to use a plastic tie around the trigger to hold it down. This would not work because (a) the battery would be engaged the entire time which would quickly deplete its charge; and (b) the tie would not apply enough pressure.
- I have arthritis in my thumbs and fingers, and because of the above, the timmer gave me hand fatigue and soreness.
- The trimmer, while pretty stout, is not powerful enough to work in my large, country space.
Bottom line? I believe this trimmer would work in a small yard setting like my sister’s house. She lives in a cottage in the city and has a small yard. I am going to give the trimmer to her so that it will be used. I hope Troy-Bilt figures out a way to make the trimmer work more easily for those of us with arthritis.
pretty cool you get to test drive these products.
thanks for coming by “things i love”
marmee´s last blog post..all finished
I had a similar experience to yours and gave my trimmer to my nephew to try out. He’s giving me feedback that I’ll post later on.
Carol, May Dreams Gardens´s last blog post..Have You Ever Hoed A Deck?
Thanks for your honest likes & dislikes. We have several Troy-bilt products and we like them.
Racquel´s last blog post..A bonus plant
Good to hear about this, Dee. I was sent a propane-powered trimmer which LSS is testing, but I can tell you while it’s quiet, it’s too heavy for me to use. What I want to test is Stihl’s trimmer with the interchangeable attachments. Might need to just invest in one and have done with it.
jodi (bloomingwriter)´s last blog post..Aliens in the gardens
Jodi, I’d love to see you review that one too. We actually own the Troy-Bilt version of the interchangeable one, and we love it. The heads are easy to change, and it has plenty of power. BTW, we bought it last year. It wasn’t sent to us.~~Dee
They sent this trimmer all over the blogosphere, didn’t they? Kylee just reviewed it too, and I keep trying to get my husband to review the one they sent us. I’m not letting him read either of y’all’s reviews so as not to influence how he feels about it. Good review, by the way.
Pam/Digging´s last blog post..May flowers on Bloom Day
Hi Pam, yes, I think they sent it all over the blogosphere, but I was interested because of the no emissions. It just won’t work for me out here. Too many stout weeds to eat.~~Dee