Pam Penick, who started the Garden Blogger Flings with the first one in Austin, TX, has some solutions for those of you conflicted about your water and chemical guzzling front lawns. She’s written a new book, Lawn Gone!: Low-Maintenance, Sustainable, Attractive Alternatives for Your Yard, which offers great design ideas for lawn replacement that your neighbors won’t mind.
These include:
• alternative grasses that seldom (or never) need mowing;
• drought-tolerant, eco-friendly landscapes;
• regional plant recommendations for all parts of the country;
• artificial turf that looks like the real thing;
• step-by-step lawn-removal methods;
• strategies for dealing with neighbors and HOAs; and
• ways to decrease your lawn if you’re not ready to go all the way.
Living in Austin, TX, Pam understands what drought really means, and because I visited her former home, I can attest that the lawn-less area in front of her home was lovely.

In connection with the blog party we’re hosting for Pam, I get to give away Cobra Tools. Yay! This prize package includes: a CobraHead Weeder and Cultivator, a CobraHead Long Handle Weeder and Cultivator, and a set of 15 BioMarker weatherproof plant markers (valued at $115). Owning several of my own CobraHeads, I can tell you they are wonderful. The contest ends this Sunday at 11:59 p.m., and winners will be picked by a random number generator and announced the following Monday at Noon. Comment below to enter.

The following blogs are also participating, and they are hosting their own giveaways. Comment on each of them and tweet out the various contests to win. Let’s all help our friend, Pam, launch her book with great success. Congrats Pam. I’m so excited for you.
Rebecca at Gossip in the Garden is giving away a 5-lb bag of Eco-Lawn seed (valued at $55), donated by Wildflower Farm in Ontario, Canada. I’ve seen several Eco-Lawns in person and let me just say they’re a stunning lush, beautiful and sustainable turf alternative consisting of fine fescues (they rarely needs mowing, too!). Perfect for milder climates. This giveaway is available to readers in Canada as well as the U.S.
Loree Bohl of Danger Garden is giving away a $50 gift card from Plant Delights, a mail-order nursery that’s a plant lover’s dream. Since 1988, Plant Delights Nursery has been the choice of serious gardeners and plant collectors looking for the best and rarest perennial plants. They have an enticing selection of groundcovers, ornamental grasses, and small perennials, all of which make excellent substitutes for lawn grass.
As a nod to cultivating a moss “lawn” in lieu of grass, Meems at Hoe & Shovel is giving away an adorable Moss Rock in a medium/Cobble size and Toadstool color (valued at $30). Moss Rocks are living sculptures and zen moss gardens all rolled into one. Donated by Moss and Stone Gardens, a design firm in Raleigh, N.C., specializing in moss landscapes.
Genevieve Schmidt at North Coast Gardening is giving away a $50 gift certificate to the charming and tempting online nursery Annie’s Annuals. Annie’s specializes in rare and unusual annual and perennial plants, including cottage garden heirlooms and native wildflowers. They also have a wonderful selection of grasses and succulents, which make great substitutes for lawn.
Ready to seed a No Mow lawn? Benjamin Vogt at The Deep Middle is giving away a 5-lb. bag of No Mow Lawn seed mix from Prairie Nursery (valued at $35). Prairie Nursery’s specially designed blend of fine fescue grasses is an ecological alternative to a traditional, high-energy-input lawn. No Mow grows in sun and shade and also performs well as a footpath or border with moderate traffic. With deep roots, it’s drought tolerant and well suited to regions with temperate to average summers.
Author Pam Penick, at Digging, is giving away the only patch of lawn you may ever need – a tongue-in-cheek, 13×13-inch “grass” pillow (valued at $60) from Potted, a stylish Los Angeles garden shop and online store. Made from a high-quality synthetic grass, with Sunbrella fabric on the back, these pillows stand up to life out-of-doors beautifully. And doesn’t it look comfortable? Plus you’ll never have to mow this bit of lawn.
Oh, one more thing, the publisher sent me Pam’s book for review.
Wayne is our winner. He is a follower of Danger Garden blog. Congratulations Wayne. I am sending your information on to Pam at Digging. Look in the mail soon for your prizes.
What a great giveaway! I can’t wait to transform our lawn into something more beautiful!!
bvbabybv at gmail dot com
Yay!! A party! Can’t wait to hear what you think of Pam’s book.
A great giveaway to start the spring off right! I would love to win it 🙂
The book sounds really helpful…I’m tired of my stretch of crabgrass lawn. Would love to win the tools, and thanks for offering the giveaway!
Great idea to welcome SPRING with this great giveaway!
I would love to have a cobra to get rid of the last of the lawn that keeps popping up.
What great tools!
Great giveaway!
new yard in the new house this spring — could certainly use some new tools. thanks.
Big fan of reducing lawn areas!
I’ve always had an eye on the cobrahead tools. It would be nice to win some.
I’ve always had an eye on the cobrahead tools. It would be nice to win some.
Me too!
Got the book! It’s great. Could certainly use some new tools for the new yard. 🙂
This is one snake I’d like to see in my yard! Love snakes any ol’ way to keep out the pests.
Cobrahead tools look great – wouldn’t mind trying my hand at using ’em.
Love this Oklahoma blog and blogger!
Also love Lawn Gone! And the chance to win a prize? Icing on the cake!
Hi June! Waving from Oklahoma. Do you miss us the least little bit?
I miss you a lot! Miss the slow easy pace of Tulsa even more!
I have been searching for ground covers as an alternative to a lawn. I would love to win this book!
Redoing my entire Austin yard this spring so bought Pam’s book for inspiration!
I have been a follower of Pam’s Digging blog for several years now. I have her new book and love her ideas and the pictures of her gardens transformations. She is an inspiration!
I’ve never tried a cobra head tool, but I’ll try anything that helps me replace lawn with native perennial gardens.
Great looking tools. Glad to see that her book looks at all regions. I would love to reduce lawn care.
I’ve had my eye on the Cobra tool for awhile would be great to win one.
I’ll have to pick up a copy of “Lawn Gone” for for some inspiration as I wait for the snow to finally melt here in WI!
Great book from Pam and amazing giveaways! My original Cobrahead (from the Austin Blogger’s Fling) is in constant use and still going! Lusting after the long handled version, too.
No more south-facing lawn here! It’s gone!
<3 getting great info. 🙂
I’m so excited about this book–living in Austin (near Pam), lawns have really outstayed their welcome in recent years. Thanks for the giveaway!
Congrats to Pam on the book, and thanks for linking to so many new things for me to read!
Never tried Cobra Tools before so I’m throwing my hat in the ring.
Congrats for Pam. I’ve suffered through different hand tools – these were next on my list to try!
Thanks for joining Pam’s contest.
Love my converted front yard! Little to mow and no watering vast grassy areas.
Love your site
I am enjoying reading all the new blogs I have found due to this contest!
I’ve been wanting a CobraHead weeder since I first discovered them 2 years ago, I have so many dandelions!
I’m a day late but diving in!! Thanks for introducing us to these blogs, too, Dee!! Did you enjoy your day outside yesterday?? xoxo
I did enjoy the great outdoors yesterday. Went out in the cold today too. Brrr, but I got a lot done.
It’s nice to discover a new blog. I am a follower of Danger Garden.
Wayne, thank you for stopping by.
Great blog! Do we register at each placr?
Yes, Stephanie, comment at each blog to be in the running for the prize for that blog.
What a great giveaway!
I don’t own a lawnmower and hope I never do. I love native plants and appreciate thoughtful bloggers!
Hope to win!
I do have too much lawn, though it is mostly moss now! I would love try try these tools where I am constalntly battling the buttercup, grass and other weeds encroaching on my planting areas.
Love your site! Keep it up, and thanks for the knowledge.
Thank you Michael.
Love your blog, keep up the good work!
Michael, I need your email address in case you win.
Dee you can reach all anonymous entries at my lazy w email. : )
(LOL) Marie, you crack me up.
We’ve got Spring Fever even here in Montana! 🙂
Have followed your blog from OK to TX. Thanks for the fun opportunity. Debbie
love the tools, hope i win ! : )
Would love to try the weeder and cultivator!
Ooh – garden tools – YAY!
I have the blue-handled Cobrahead and I can attest that it’s great at popping out dandelions, and indispensable for digging in rocky soil like we have here in CO!
I have been wanting to try these tools for my annoying crop of weeds. I appreciate your invitation to the party. Thank you.
I’m always looking for heat/dry AND cold-resistant lawn alternatives–so glad to have found this blog and heard about this book.
I would love the chance to weed with one of those tools. Thanks for inviting us to this wonderful party.
Living in the weather challenges of N.W. Ok any book about water conservation is worthwhile! Gardening tools look interesting!
Sue I’ve been watching the maps with you… I hope these recent rains and sows help you a lot! xo
True enough. You sure got some snow didn’t you Sue? Wowee! Hope your temps come up soon, and the good Lord sends you some rain.
Thanks Dee and Lazy D, We had one of those million dollar snows! More moisture than we’ve had in 3 or 4 yrs!
Great idea for a book! And I love the feel of new garden tools!
Well done Pam! What to do with a lawn is on the minds of at least 2 bloggers this side of the pond too 🙂
Since the Seattle Fling I’ve been thinking about replacing some or all of my front lawn with Hakonechloa (one of my plant highlights of my visit) but I wasn’t sure how it would perform in our garden. Last year I grew one in a pot to see what would happen. I’m pleased I did, because I soon learnt how much our cats love it too.
So my lawn ponderings continue…
in it to win it…
I have plenty of weeds and these tools are just what I need!
I was just browsing your blog. What lovely gardens you have! I noticed you said that one day you will have a greenhouse. I want one too, I have been looking at those recycled soda bottle ones. (since it isn’t in my budget to get a “real” one. They are kind of cool. Probably won’t go off big with the HOA though. 🙁
I look forward to reading more of your posts. And seeing more of your garden.
The Cobra Head tools have been on my wish list for a couple of years now– ever since Jere Gettle mentioned them over at rareseeds.com. Thanks for the chance!
Hey nieghbor. Enter me in. I do need a veeder. Nice writup by the way. Have been reading the book and digging for treasure.
Looks like a cool tool! Thanks for the opportunity! Love love Pam’s new book!
I’ve been wanting to try one of these. Thanks!
My sister told me about the book and the blog party give-away. She’s in Chicago, so can’t benefit as much from the southern clime tips. But I’m in Memphis and look forward to reading the book. Thanks for the contest, too. I’m whittling away at my grass and need all the help I can get.
Pam’s blog is great & so is the prize!
Dee, thanks so much for hosting this giveaway. Would love to have those awesome tools ! Please put my name in the hat. Meanwhile, I gotta go snoop around your blog a bit. Thank you!
Thank you! JUST what I’ve been looking for. Sharing and studying!
Really looking forward to this book since I am looking at “shrinking” my lawn and planting more native plants in the home I’m moving into this summer! these tools would make it so much easier!!
I am very excited about this book. We are in the process of removing our lawn a little at a time. I have just started gardening and still need lots of information.
Thank you for sharing.
Everything looks so interesting!
I’ve had the most fun reading all the reviews for Pam’s book~I am thrilled for her and thanks, Dee, for hosting a giveaway and review. xogail
I’ve always admired the Cobrahead tools and would love to own them! Thanks for the chance to win them!
I will be ordering this book for sure! I definitely want my lawn gone. And these tools would be so helpful in my cactus/succulent garden!
Thanks for a chance to win such useful items!
OOO, cobrahead tools – surprisingly I’ve never heard of them, but they look like they’d be awesome.
Read Pam’s blog regularly, it gives me useful info for my own “lawn gone” garden in SoCal. About that first comment…it’s time for HOA’s to get real!
I’d love some new tools! Thanks for the opportunity!
I have to deal with constantly encroaching Bermuda grass, so these would be wonderful.
I would love to get rid of my lawn, after 2 years of drought in Oklahoma. But, my HOA won’t allow it! I’d still love some new Cobra tools for weeding and flower bed work!
A gardener can never have too many tools!!
Cool – new tools! Great giveaway.
Ooooooh, one of my favorite parts of gardening is the tools! I love shiny new tools, lol! Sign me up to win…
Pam’s book is a great resource.
Pam’s book is giving me lots of inspiration as I take out my front lawn and make way for native perennials, annuals and shrubs. weeder@rcip.com
Sounds like a great party and I am looking forward to reading Pam’s book…Cobra tools are the best.
Pam did a great job on her book. Lots of good advice and beautiful photos.
Getting rid of lawns, and turning them into drought tolerant gardens, makes so much sense, with all these persistent dry periods.
Loved the book, found it inspirational on many levels.
Those are very cool tools!
I’m replacing my dead lawn and could sure use the Cobra tools while I am implementing some of Pam’s great ideas!
I’m ready to dig out those weeds. Those tools look wonderful. We haven’t had much rain lately, but the thistle and bedstraw weed didn’t get the memo.
In San Antonio, TX, we’re already in stage 2 water restriction in March and staving off stage three seems impossible. Lots of people are exasperated and finally warming up to the idea of having less turf, but they need a little inspiration and instruction… The perfect reason to buy Pam’s book.
What a great blog! I’m happy I found it. I’m an Austinite myself, so I’m ordering Pam’s book today and am now following both of your blogs. 🙂
Just got rid f my lawn and am about to plant. The book sounds really useful and the tools would be a big help!
After the last two years of drought and desert-like temps in Oklahoma I am seriously looking at the viability of lawns, at least on the scale we currently have. Can’t wait to read Pam’s book! Thanks, Dee!
Hoooray for Pam!
I’ve already heard great things about her book and I sure could use my own CobraHead tools. Thanks, Dee, for another great giveaway.
Love the opportunity to visit new blogs and the chance to win!
congrats pam on your book. i’m currently working on no lawn in my front yard with a victory garden/ potager. your ideas look lovely.
I also follow Pam’s blog and really enjoy it. I have very little lawn in back and would like to get rid of more. Anything to help weed would be appreciated.
What great tools to use in the garden I’m trying to build!
Pam’s book looks so interesting. My husband and I have been discussing how to decrease our lawn (he doesn’t like to mow), so I’ll be buying her book! Don’t sign me up for the giveaway – I already own a Cobra head, but I can attest to how useful these tools are in the garden!
Dealing with nosy neighbors is the biggest challenge. I would love to try with the help of the Cobra tools.
Dealing with nosy neighbors is the biggest challenge. I would love to try with the help of the Corona tools.
Would love to try the bio markers as one of my goals is to do a better job of documenting the garden.
I have also visited Pam’s former garden and I agree: it was lovely and you didn’t miss the lawn at all. Love Cobrahead tools, as well.
I want to win! :O) Great giveaway!