This year, I am reminded that gardening is so much easier when the sun doesn't overwhelm plants suffering from drought. With a …
Garden Bloggers Bloom Day, June 2014
One the great gifts of Carol Michel's long-running meme, Garden Bloggers Bloom Day, is the chronicling of one's own garden …
Daylily season is in full swing
We've reached my husband's favorite time of the gardening year, and coincidentally, it always occurs right around his birthday. It …
Reading and weeding on a rain-soaked Monday
Since last Thursday, it's rained every day throughout most of Oklahoma. I took these pictures after this morning's rain. I'm not …
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Garden Book Celebration at Gardening Gone Wild
When my friend, Fran Sorin, asked if I wanted The 20-30 Something Garden Guide: A No-Fuss, Down and Dirty, Gardening 101 for …
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Gardening like a Mad Woman
The last couple of weeks, I have gardened like a mad woman. Everything looks a lot better. Even though I'm sore, I'll garden like …
Garden Bloggers Bloom Day May 2014
Good morning everyone! It's that time again. Garden Bloggers Bloom Day is upon us. A special thank you to Carol Michel for hosting …
Prairie sounds
We've had a warm spring thus far--in the 80s most days. I refuse to turn on the air conditioner as long as I can delay the …
Before the spring freeze
Will it freeze tonight? In our house, we always say, "Is the Pope Catholic?" Yes, it's going to freeze. Before the projected cold …
Spring is a fast-moving train of garden goodness
We just finished winter--I hope--and now spring has decided to come on like a fast-moving train. At 1:00 p.m., it's 72F with a …
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Which flowers are easy to grow from seed? Here are several I like.
Gardens don't have to be expensive. Here are several flowers to grow from seed. All can be sown directly outdoors too. Many of …
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Come to the Oklahoma Gardening School
Have you heard? Each year, the Myriad Botanical Gardens holds an Oklahoma Gardening School in the center of downtown Oklahoma …
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