Click on any photo to see it larger, and then hit your back button to go back to the gallery. Whoops, that wasn't wordless was it? …
Three for Thursday, purple and green
After I walked about taking photos, I kept thinking of that song, Silver and Gold, and I repeated purple and green as I searched. …
Garden Bloggers Bloom Day, August 2010
Hi Everyone, I saw a clever church marquee on my way home the other day. It read, "No it's not as hot as . . . " Well, since …
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Attracting butteflies to the garden
This summer, although of late hotter than the Sahara, has still been a good one for butterflies. I've been planting for these …
Native flowers perform double duty in the garden
I'm not all about natives. You know that. I grow named cultivars of roses, phlox, daylilies, crapemyrtles and pretty much anything …
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Garden Bloggers’ Bloom Day, July 2010, high summer
The rains have come and gone throughout most of the spring and now well into summer. The garden looks overblown and flousy like a …
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Dear Friend and Gardener, July 5, 2010
Dear Carol and Mary Ann and Gardening Friends Everywhere, My letter is a bit tardy because I had to regroup this morning after …
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So you say you don’t like orange? Or red? Or fuschia?
Orange plants aren't very popular at flower shows. For that matter, the brightest blooms are often shunned by the best of …
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Behind the eight ball
Please welcome Jennifer Benner, co-author with Stephanie Cohen of The Nonstop Garden, published by Timber Press. Jennifer has a …
Garden Bloggers Bloom Day, May 15, 2010
Sweet cool rain brings even sweeter flowers. As I step out on the deck every morning to drink hot tea and survey the back …
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Peony Impact
Never underestimate the power of the well placed peony. Paeonia is from the god Paeon, the student of Asclepius, Greek …
New to me
So, do you live in the Oklahoma City metropolitan area, or one of its nearby suburbs? Are you wanting something new for the …