It's time to prune roses in Oklahoma if you have any not yet stricken by Rose Rosette Virus. If your rose has Rose Rosette, shovel …
Garden Holes of Opportunity
From several conversations I've had with gardeners lately, I know you're worried about my roses. I'm worried too, but I am trying …
Garden Bloggers Bloom Day: October
Good morning or afternoon depending upon when I get this October edition of Garden Bloggers Bloom Day posted. Thank you to Carol …
Ten plants to replace climbing roses
Here are ten plants to replace climbing roses removed because of Rose Rosette Disease. I know some rosarians don't think you need …
Four more roses bite the dust
I mentioned recently on the Oklahoma Women Bloggers blog that 'Cl. Old Blush' had Rose Rosette Virus (RRV). I don't mean to harp …
Garden Bloggers Bloom Day: August
Did you ever wonder where the term, the "Dog Days of August" came from? Do you suppose it refers to hot weather and a general …
Speaking of tough roses
A couple of weeks ago, I spoke at Roses, Inc. Green Country in Broken Arrow, Oklahoma, a suburb of Tulsa, one of my favorite …
Garden Bloggers Bloom Day May 2014
Good morning everyone! It's that time again. Garden Bloggers Bloom Day is upon us. A special thank you to Carol Michel for hosting …
The roses took a beating
As I go about my spring chores in the garden, I've looked at my roses with much dismay. They aren't well. The damage is so bad I …
Garden Bloggers Bloom Day, March 2014
Welcome to Garden Bloggers Bloom Day, March 2014. From 2012, I can see we are behind schedule. I guess I didn't write a post for …
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What to buy your favorite rose gardener for Valentine’s Day
Bill and I were discussing romance this morning, and he asked me what I thought was romantic. You know I love roses, but not a …
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Fantastic plant combos of 2013
The end of the year usually marks a roundup of posts. However, this year, I thought I would change things up a bit. Let's look …