I’m honored that Fran Sorin asked RDR to be part of her cyber book party and giveaway for the 10th Anniversary and re-release of her ground-breaking book, Digging Deep. We have prizes galore for this book party. Last week, I gave away Haven Brand manure tea–also part of this party as you’ll see below–an amaryllis bulb, and now even more great prizes. I am such a party animal lately.

In preparation for its updated release and my endorsement, I read Digging Deep: Unearthing Your Creative Roots Through Gardening many months ago. It touched me deeply. My endorsement is below and in the praise section at the beginning of the book. I joined several other authors because I think we need Fran’s updated release more than ever in our technological world. Not only that, but many American gardening books are all about results and how-tos. Gardening is a reflective process, and we Americans could certainly reflect more and do less. Gardening touches me more deeply than most activities I engage in on a daily basis. Here’s what I said in my endorsement.
“In our hurried and overly-technological world, we are separated from nature more than ever. Gardening is a process whereby we pause and reflect upon the environment around us and our very existence. In the same fashion that The Artist’s Way made us rethink the artist within, [bctt tweet=”@FranSorin Digging Deep is a guide to slow down and consider gardening a road to personal discovery.”]–while we bask in the moment day-by-day. For, it’s in these momentary glimpses of the sublime that we take the measure of our days. Through a series of chapters including those on observation, reflection and discovery, Fran helps us learn from nature and our gardens one design at a time.”
In honor of Digging Deep’s cyber book party and updated 10th Anniversary release, Fran has priced the Kindle edition of Digging Deep at .99 during the party. So, get over there and buy it in paper, or e-book format. Then, sit in a comfy chair next to the fire and read it before you buy more seeds.
So that two of my readers can win these great prizes, I am bundling them into two categories.

Prize #1 – Baker Creek Heirloom Seeds – nineteen hand-picked varieties of veggies and flowers valued at over $50.00, along with a three-pack selection of Authentic Haven Brand Tea.
The varieties include:
Red Express cabbage
Precoce d” Argenteuil asparagus
Quadrato d’Asti Giallo pepper
Alaska shasta daisy
Munstead Strain lavender
Kellogg’s Breakfast tomato
Pink Accordion tomato
Red Hat Mexican hat wildflower
Lemon Drop hot pepper
Rattlesnake pole bean
Jumbo Pink banana squash
Ping Tung eggplant
Tigger melon
Minibel tomato
Royal Golden watermelon
Black Krim tomato
Chioggia beet
Broad Leaf sage
Patisson Stripe Melange squash
Baker Creek Heirloom Seeds carries over 1700 varieties of open pollinated herb, vegetable, and flower seeds. They carry one of the largest selection of seeds from the 19th century, including many Asian, European, and South American varieties. All Baker Creek seeds are non-treated, non-hybrid, non-patented, and non-patented.

Prize #2 – Nature Innovations.
Molded from live trees, these planters are made from a high density polyurethane, lightweight, UV resistant, and incredibly durable. All Nature Innovations planters are individually hand painted and made in the USA.
4 planters/containers–retail $149.
1 small 4″ vertical oak planter
1 11″ long horizontal planter
1 medium 8″ vertical birch planter
1 medium 13″ horizontal oak planter
I’m joining the seven other bloggers listed below. You have many ways to win. To enter my portion of the contest, please comment below and then subscribe to blog updates via email as noted in the my sidebar. If you’re already a subscriber, then just note that in your comment. I will choosse the winners at random with a number generator on Monday, December 8th at midnight, and announced on December 9th. This contest is only open to continental U.S. residents. Sorry, European and Canadian friends. It’s all about postage.
Here are the other bloggers participating:
1.Fran Sorin- Gardening Gone Wild
2. Helen Yoest- Gardening with Confidence
3. Jenny Peterson- J. Peterson Garden Design
4. Rebecca Sweet- Gossip in the Garden
5. Brenda Haas- BG Garden
6. Debra Prinzing at DebraPrinzing.com
There is also a special prize on Fran’s personal website. Head over there to see what it is!
One more thing, in accordance with government rules, I must notify you again that I read a preview copy of Fran’s book. I have received nothing else from any company listed in this giveaway. I buy seeds from Baker Creek every year, and I use Annie’s manure tea. I haven’t ever bought one of the planters, above, but they look pretty cool. Have fun playing gang. I wish I could give a prize to everyone who comes over and reads my blog.
UPDATE: The winners of the contest on my blog are Ann Fantom and R.D. I’ve notified both of them, and once they send us their snail mail addresses, we will forward their winnings onto them. Thanks so much for playing everyone.
great prize!!! i subscribed!
Always fun to start a new garden project, or revive an old one!
What a cool giveaway! Garden friends are the best!
I am delighted that I have found some like minded gardeners, who see the art and practice of planting and growing for the many layered, multifaceted activity that I find it to truly be. Will read yours and the other blogs with great relish! Thanks for raising our awareness, bringing us together and giving us a chance win prizes, to boot! F-U-N!
Nice giveaway Dee. I always look forward to reading your posts and articles. Thanks!
Ahhhhh, I am thinking of spring and the smells and tastes of the various plants,to feel the dirt between the toes, smudged on the face of dirt and under the nails, calloused hands…planting those seeds. It is fun to be a dirty girl!
this is great fun. i subscribed. good luck to all.
Seeds glorious seeds! I just became a subscriber 🙂
Love those planters! And Fran’s book! And your book, too!
Mary, Mary quite contrary
How does your garden grow?
In lovely log containers,
from seeds that do not contain GMO’s.
A garden that has been sown,
to make homegrown foods with ingredients that are known;
not created in a test tube
or made from ingredients that are found in oil lube!
What fun! Love the collaboration.
This would be perfect for upcoming spring garden.
Great selection of seeds, but those planters are awesome. Fran’s book sounds like the kind I love to read – heading over to check it out now. I am a long-time subscriber – love your blog.
Great prizes! I’m eyeing the seed packs. 🙂
great page, love the info, building a mini ghouse so would love these
Thanks so much, Dee. I took advantage of the Kindle deal, but think I must have Digging Deep in hardback. Just off to party with the other participating bloggers! P. x
i would love the seeds. I also subscribed
Would love have that seed collection, wonderful contest.
Great prizes! Those planters would look cool in the winter with forced bulbs. Good luck to everyone, and thanks for the chance, Dee!
What great prizes! Very interested in this giveaway.
great ideas. always striving to grow only GMO and preferably hierloom. now to browse through the catalog
the cyber party is a terrific idea The prizes make it fun.
I would like to subscribe to your blog. Thank you
Wonderful Prizes starting a seed library and this would help.
Great prizes!
Great prizes. I have a copy of Fran’s fabulous book Digging Deep and I’m so glad you have focused on the reflective nature of gardening and how important that is in the garden and in our lives.
every year i order from baker creek seeds for the last three years now and my garden is huge and more then provides for my family love the seeds and i order less and less each year do to seed saving. i do share with people i know the seeds if they so wish but they want to see the plant growing first of cores witch my garden dose that for them and there are always a surplus to give away that is just to much for our family it is nice to try new plants each year to keep the people amazement of the whole thing
Thanks for offering this great giveaway.
I’m an email subscriber
I am pretty excited about the giveaway – not just for the chance to win a prize, but because I have a bunch of new blogs to follow now!
I took advantage of the sale to order the book and can’t wait to get started! I already subscribe to RDR.
I am already a subscriber and have ordered the compost tea. I love the look of those planters and think they would look great in my ever growing garden. Thanks for this opportunity.
I love heirloom seeds and bulbs and have just gotten the Kindle edition of the book.
I’m already a subscriber and just bought the kindle version of the book, looking forward to reading it. Thanks for the giveaway!
These prizes look amazing! Thanks for hosting.
I’m already a subscriber, and read Digging Deep 10 years ago when it first came out. Time for a re-read!
I love Baker Creek seeds, they are from here in Missouri 🙂 Thanks for showing me other garden blogs I need to subscribe to!
Those pots look incredible. I have Fran’s original book and I am a subscriber.
Would love to read this book and seeing all these seeds makes me wish for spring.
What a great giveaway. I just read the sample portion of “Digging Deep” on my iPad and plan to buy it as soon as I sac figure out how! I already subscribe to your blog. And love it!
I am already a subscriber. I’d love to win those planters. They’d look great in my secret garden.
Fun giveaways! After your last one, I went right to the moo poo tea website and ordered some. And a good thing, too, cuz I wasn’t the winner… maybe this time. The ebook for $.99 is a great deal, too. Off to check it out 🙂 Thanks Dee for all your “leads”.
I love the idea of her new book. I want to read it.
Now I can’t wait for Spring with Baker Seeds to plant and Annie’s Tea tom fertilize it will be a successful growing season. I am a happy subscriber.
Can you believe I wasn’t a subscriber? I always run across your blog link on facebook so luckily I don’t miss much. Great giveaway!
Heirloom Seeds will be my next full garden seed purchase. I have used compost tea that I have made. The convenience of having it on hand is worth the purchase. I look forward to reading Fran’s book.
Fran’s book looks really interesting to me. Happy holidays to all!
I’ve enjoyed your blog throughout the year. I’m also a fan of Baker Seeds!
Such an amazing giveaway! I’m already happily a subscriber.
You always have such great prizes! To go with a terrific blog. Count me in. I’m already a subscriber. Thank you!
Looking forward to receiving your blog updates.
Maybe I should pull Fran’s book from my garden library for some inspiration in the meantime.
Such a great giveaway! I never miss a post & receive your updates through feedly.
Wow…terrific prizes. I already subscribe to your emails. Good luck everyone!
I am so excited about this giveaway. I hope it win! 🙂 Tee hee. And I am already a subscriber. Thanks for having this!
Dee you certainly are a party animal and a great supporter of so many bloggers. Fran’s book is wonderful and I was so excited to see the blogging love as part of this book party. Thanks for all your support of so many of us!!
Great prizes. Have never tries the compost tea so that would be a nice thing to win!! I am already a subscriber.