Sometimes, projects don’t go as planned.

Bulbs don’t grow at the same rate.
Sometimes, houseplants die in their containers. If the latter happens, put them on the compost pile where they can live again as Carol of May Dreams Gardens suggests during what she terms “houseplant season.”

Amaryllis don’t bloom. I have one amaryllis which hasn’t even grown. Bought three at the same time. Planted them in the same container. Had this fantasy of three, tall, green stalks topped with gorgeous, red flowers. It was a firm bulb. Still looks good, but it’s just sitting there, not moving, and not going according to my master plan. Frustrating, because I was going to photograph it for an article. As you can see, this container is so not article ready.
Sometimes, I know why. Other times I don’t. Nature is a mystery.
It follows its own rhythms kinda like Eddie Van Halen off on a guitar riff of his own making.

When I’m using plants for work projects, there are times when I feel like stomping my feet, but there’s not much I can do about it.
Perhaps, you wonder why am I sharing? There is so much sharing anymore, and some of it is so “TMI.” That’s “Too Much Information” if you’re older than twenty-five.
I’m sharing because, when nature hands you a curve ball next time, I want you to just think of me. Then, take a moment to have a good laugh because, like confession, it’s good for the soul.
I hope your holiday celebrations were full of joy. Ours were. On Christmas Eve, I watched my teens laugh and poke fun at each other in a rhythm of their own making too. They had the whole table full of adults laughing until their sides hurt. Mine did at least.
Everything and everyone on Earth have their own rhythms which can wander off into unexpected places. And, when they do, they may make beautiful music. Something to think about on this cool winter day even when the amaryllis won’t bloom.
Thanks for the good advice, Dee. (Do I see an African Violet in a Flow Blue bowl!) Happy New Year!
My amaryllis didn’t bloom last year, either, although this year I’ve had much better luck. I’ve given up expecting Mother Nature to do what I want. While it would be fabulously convenient, I think she throws me curve balls just to mess with my expectations. It’s a reminder that she’s in charge. A bit of an evil dictator, she is!
I’m right there with you, Dee. I couldn’t even get simple paperwhites to bloom this year! Once I tried several containers with a hint of vodka in the water (to stunt their growth) and had even worse results. My house smelled like a bar – not a good thing in the morning. And I NEVER have luck with Amaryllis bulbs. I’ve given up on trying, and only buy them if they’re already blooming.
I have three amaryllis that are still sleeping. lol.
In a very short time you will have beautiful flowers and you might get a lovely photo after all. I would never have known that there were three plants in your pot. Perhaps the bulbs decided they were too close together to have room show off their beautiful blooms. Got any lemonade?
Becky, I’ve always got lemonade. Thanks for stopping by.
I have one amaryllis. It is growing very slowly. Bought it this year and no sign of a bud. I am glad I don’t need it for a photograph.
Kathy, it certainly changes things when you do need it for a photo. One of mine is growing puny. I didn’t even show it. However, two are very pretty.
Amaryllis can be fickle. I haven’t had luck with them lately either. You sure tried a lot of ways though. Glad to hear Christmas was good. We had great Christmas gatherings too. Happy New year!
These are the fickle-ist ones I’ve ever seen. I know fickle-ist isn’t a word, but it’s fun to write and say. I’m glad you had a beautiful Christmas too.
Dee, the Eddie Van Halen reference made me laugh out loud. This is why I love your blog!
Cindy, I’m glad I made you laugh. I do my best.
My husband is a very good gardener, so I asked him about your bulb. (Oh, and he only gardens in POTS, not the soil, which where we live, you have to spend a FORTUNE to improve the soil! ) He said he would dig it out of the planter and look at it. As long as it is not rotting, then just re-pot in another pot and just leave it and see what happens. He really has some beautiful amaryllis and they almost all bloom for my birthday in April! Our oldest one is about 16 years old! Good luck with that bulb and I look forward to seeing if if comes to life one day (like Frosty!)
Happy New Year!
Kay, here, it’s expensive to improve the soil too so we just make raised beds which are like pots too. I may pull that one amaryllis out of its pot and put it somewhere else. Then, if I put the other two a bit closer together perhaps they will bloom abundantly. We can hope anyway. I’m glad you have good luck getting them to rebloom too. Thanks for stopping by and Happy New Year.~~Dee
Thanks for sharing this, Dee; not TMI at all. It always makes me feel a little better when I find out that more experienced gardeners don’t always succeed at something either. My amaryllis is coming back for its second year, but I have yet to figure out the trick to getting hyacinth bulbs to bloom in glass vases.
A belated Merry Christmas to you! Glad to hear your house was full of laughter and joy.
Rose, I think you’re a very experienced gardener. I just felt like a little honesty about amaryllis frustration was in order. My amaryllis always come back, but don’t rebloom unless I put them outside. To get hyacinths to bloom in little vases, you must pre-chill them, nowhere near apples and then hope for the best. Happy New Year!
Dee, Thank you. Last year most of my planned bulbs were no-shows so I did not try to force any this year! I’ll keep trying. xogail
Gail, some years are better than others. Thanks and Happy New Year!
Dear Dee, I love this posting. Very funny! Glad you had a good Christmas. Happy New Year! P. x
Hey Pam, I’m glad you thought it was funny. I meant for it to be. Happy New Year to you too.
It must be in the paperwhites this year. Never have I had them grow at such different rates. Does it help to know you are not alone?
Layanee, I’m sorry, but it does. Ha! I’m just being funny. Sorry you’re paperwhites are misbehavin’ too.
Ugh! I will never, never force bulbs in the house again. It was ugly empty containers of dirt for months that eventually yielded a few scrawny mismatched blooms. Which then were promptly chewed off by the dogs. Please. I can do that out in the yard and at least not have to look at it on my kitchen sink for weeks on end!
Stevie @
Stevie, you’re having a rough time with your indoor bulbs. Rougher than mine. Dogs are like that. They see something pretty and just want to pick it don’t they? You made me smile with your comment. Happy New Year.
Dee I have the same issue…one has bloomed the other not…who knows…it is like that especially in the veg garden…I follow directions and still nothing…oh well we just keep trying or we move on…had a wonderful Christmas and now onto a fab New Year!!
Donna, I know exactly what you mean. It’s much easier not to worry too much about it and keep on going. I’m glad your had a wonderful Christmas full of good things. Happy New Year to you too.
You are too funny girl. Bulbs are just like children or is it the other way around?? They all go their own way. We just sit back and enjoy the ride. What beautiful amaryllis youhave despite their untimely growth.
Lisa, I’m glad you saw it as funny. I certainly meant it that way. What are you going to do with Mother Nature anyway?
I am my amaryllis’s failure this year. I bought a new bulb and never even planted it. i should do that soon.
Go ahead and plant it Carol. Maybe yours will bloom by April or so.
I would re-arrange them in those pots to make them look like there are only two amaryllis in that one dish. Etc. Beat them at their own game.
Excellent plan Mary Ann. I think I will. Happy New Year.
I think Amaryllis performance is based on how bulbs were treated before you got them!
Well, Geri, stuff happens I guess. I like how you think. Happy New Year.
Those amaryllis can be persnickety buggers! I know!
Lara, they certainly have been this year. That’s for sure. Happy New Year!