Ten daylilies for ten dollars or less.
You didn’t think this was one of those crazy ads at the back of a gardening magazine did you?
“Grow luscious peaches on your garden deck for only pennies a day!!! But, wait, wait, there’s more!”
No, it’s not that kind of post, but because I felt responsible for leading you into temptation, I’ll show you some beauties you can grow and enjoy without endangering your retirement. All prices shown are for double fans as listed in the Eureka Daylily 2008 Reference Guide, the price bible for daylilydom.
What is a fan? When you dig a daylily clump and begin to separate it into sections, each section resembles a lady’s fan. Daylilies are generally sold as double fans unless you are purchasing a very new cultivar.
In no particular order, let’s begin. Each is listed by cultivar name, hybridizer and year of introduction. Then, scape (stem) height, season and flower diameter. If you let your mouse hover over the photo, you can see the name of each cultivar.

‘Red Volunteer’ (Oakes 1984) 30″ M 7″ Avg. price $7.31. This was my second red daylily. My first was ‘Frankly Scarlet,’ and I sold it at the club’s daylily sale long ago. I will always have a place for ‘Red Volunteer’ in my garden because its deep, velvety red blossoms remain beautiful in the hot sun, and its height makes it a nice focal point.

‘Wineberry Candy’ (Stamile 1990) 22″ EM 4.75″ Avg. price $6.76, is one of the “candy series” hybridized by Patrick Stamile, and it is one of his best. WC has lots of scapes and blooms, making it look like a bouquet every morning. WC’s only fault, in my opinion, is that it tries to open so many blooms at once, that they sometimes crowd each other. Mine is planted in front of ‘Basye’s Blueberry’ rose.

‘Joan Senior’ (Durio 1977) 25″ EMRe (Early Midseason Reblooming) 6″ Avg. price $6.87. This was my second daylily and my first near white. I will always keep JS because it is a luminous presence in dappled shade.
Note: Daylilies are composed mostly of water, so unlike roses and other flowers, whose colors fade in the afternoon, daylily blooms actually melt. This is why their blooms last only for a day; hence their common name.

‘Elizabeth Salter’ (Salter 1990) 22″ MRe 5.5″ Avg. price $6.71. Jeff Salter named this daylily for his wife, a hybridizer in her own right and the niece of R.W. Munson, a daylily hybridizing pioneer. ES won the Stout Silver Medal, the highest award for daylilies, in 2000. If you want a ruffled edge for a great price, this is the daylily for you. It looks good near the front or the middle of the border.

‘Jedi Tequila Sunrise’ (Wedgeworth 1990) 20″ E 5″ Avg. price $6.85. I am so glad my friend, Wanda, insisted I take this daylily when she gave me several cultivars a few years ago. Although listed as an early bloomer, in my garden, JTS blooms about the middle of the season. My photo is a good representation of this daylily, but it doesn’t capture how beautiful it is. JTS looks great planted near dark purples like ‘Nordic Night’ and ‘Vatican City.’

‘Spider Miracle’ (W. Hendricks 1986) 32″ M 8.5″ Avg. price $6.78. SM isn’t a spider at all, but instead, an unusual form. It is a luscious lemon chiffon yellow, which is not the most noticeable color in the garden palette, but it still gains “oohs” and “ahs” because of its twirling petals, flower size and height.

‘Buttered Popcorn’ (Benzinger 1971) 32″ MLa 6″ Avg. price $5.66, is an old cultivar, but still a good being sold some thirty-seven years after introduction. It starts blooming mid-season and continues until late. Multiple golden yellow blooms open everyday. I planted it at the very end of my garden, and people are always drawn to it. Unlike ‘Camden Gold Dollar,’ which is also golden yellow, BP’s blooms are large for an older daylily.

‘Moonlit Masquerade’ (Salter 1992) 26″ EMRe 5.5″ Avg. price $8.86. MM won the Stout Silver Medal in 2004 and for good reason. The cream colored blooms are distinctive with their dark purple eye, and they open consistently each day. At the daylily show held by COHS a few weeks ago, one of our members used MM in a flower arrangement. It was a crowd favorite. Mine is planted next to ‘Pandora’s Box,’ an older cultivar with a similar color pattern. Also, MM blooms heavily in partial shade.

‘Oakes Love’ (Hansen 1994) 29″ MLa 9.75″ Avg. price $9.66. When I took this photo this morning, I was very happy because OL was twisting and twirling with the movement of a ballerina. No wonder Mr. Oakes loved this one when he saw it. For an older spider, it has very strong scapes. (Spiders and UFs tend to have thinner scapes on the whole, and sometimes, they can’t hold up their large flowers.)
‘South Sea Enchantment’ (Billingslea 1996) 21″ MRe 6″ Avg. price $11.75. Okay, this one isn’t under ten dollars, but I had to include it anyway. Its color is listed as a rose pink, but to me, its name gives a better indication of the color; the interior of a conch shell. SSE’s blooms have strong substance, beautiful color, and it multiplies like bunny rabbits.
I hope you’ve enjoyed traveling through my more reasonable daylily favorites. I have others that fall into this price range. Maybe I’ll make this a yearly stroll.
Love the info and list. I have bought dozens of daylilies from a vendor at the Norman Farmer’s Market all for 7.05 each potted. My favorites have been Sunday’s Gloves and Desperado.
They’re all beautiful and worth every penny!
Saw your name on meadowview tyme blogspot. Red Dirt Ramblings was an interesting name, wanted to check out your blog. I wish alot of times that I have a different soil…I am stuck with the black gumbo here in Texas.
I get by though…. Was curoius about day lillies… do they tend to multiply and take over a yard?
I wanted to get some started, but don’t want to fight them from spreading where I don’t want them.
Enjoyed your pics!! Thanks for sharing.
SS, thanks so much for coming by. Nice to know you.~~Dee
I came visiting after seeing your name at “quiet country house” and am so glad I did….I love daylilies and have yet to plant any….you have given me some very good ideas and I especially love those pink ones…they melt? interesting…I am wondering if they do well in CA and am going to check it out as soon as I can…I also loved reading your blog!
Linda, I believe daylilies do very well in CA. I hope you add some to your garden. Thanks for coming by.~~Dee
What beautiful flowers. I’d love to photograph those!
Well, if you’re ever in town . . . . ~~Dee
Elizabeth Salter and Wineberry Candy are lovely – well, they all are. It’s so hard to choose – I think it would depend on my mood or the time of day. I’d be constantly rethinking my picks. I wonder if the Strawberry Candy I planted this year will be much like Wineberry Candy…
This was a lovely stroll – I hope you do this more often!
Kate, thanks for going with me on my stroll. I think Strawberry Candy is even prettier than WC. I hope you post pics of her sometime.~~Dee
I love your daylilies, they are just beautiful. I will have to get some this fall. Yours are soooooo pretty to look at. I have been doing some landscaping in my yard this year. It is lots of hard work but I Love getting down an dirty. lol;
Well any way just wanted to let you know how much I enjoyed your post.
Thanks, Alaura for commenting. It’s so nice to get comments. I hope my post helps in your selections.~~Dee
Dee, thanks so much for all the daylily price info. These daylilies are spectacular. I copied your post and I’m saving it in my cherished daylily folder!! My husband will just love that-hehe!!
You’re welcome, Sherri. Please come back real soon.~~Dee
The first time I delved into daylilies, I purchased some of the ‘candy’ series. They look just yummie! My first attempt was not successful – but I’m trying again and your post will really help me with my choices. Thanks!
Hi Mary Beth, I had trouble with them too at first. Mine were very susceptible to rotting, so I positioned Wineberry on a slope and worked in lots of compost to improve drainage.~~Dee
Hey, Honey-bunny– what a wonderful article! You make me =know= I’m getting more dailies. I bought my first three this year. Your articles inspire me to work. 🙂
You know I so understand about computer glitches/internet blinks. Mine just did it as I tried to post. Thank you for taking the time and energy to do this one again! Press on!
ps– my Felco prunners should arrive today!
CA, you work hard enough, but I’m thrilled about your Felcos. Enjoy them. I need a new pair.~~Dee
The ‘Red Volunteer’ is gorgeous. Very interesting info. Collectors will pay a lot for what they like–I know because I do that with cacti that I find. Unfortunately it’s sometimes money down the drain. Recently I bought an $85 rare crested cactus, and within 48 hours it had turned to mush. No idea why–I bought it, drove home, and kept it in the house so it was not exposed to extreme temps. What a waste of money, but I know I’ll do it again when I see something I want.
Aiyana, I’ve spent a lot of $$ on daylilies, but now, I’m pretty selective about what I look for. Sorry about your cactus. That had to make you very sad.~~Dee
Hi Dee, your title had me incredulous, but then the truth came out. I have Red Volunteer also, a gift from neighbors. So many of the reds of that era look alike, but that one is very vigorous, highly recommended. I am going to the farm near me this week for ONE more, a special one, as I am running out of room and already have so many. I love that comment by Michelle about her son’s comment on the lady taking a photo, how true!
Frances, when you get that special one, post a photo on your blog when it blooms. I’d like to see it. I have completely run out of room. I’ve been digging some of the ones I’m not fond of up.~~Dee
My first time here and the pics are beautiful. When I read your “About Me” it reminded me of myself. I too have a family who thinks I sometimes spend just a little too much time blogging. Once, when my son and I were driving through an older neighborhood in OKC, we saw a woman crouched down on all fours, taking a pic of something close to the ground. My son, very matter-of-factly said, “must be for her blog.”
Michelle, your comment made me LOL. O.K., I was actually rolling on the floor laughing. Thanks for stopping by and making my day. Come again.~~Dee
Ten dollars for so many daylily varieties is a bargain indeed. I’d need a bigger garden to fit them all in. You’ve shown us some real beauties, Dee!
Pam, you would, but maybe one or two would fit.~~Dee
What an amazing price! I love all of these daylilies – you’re fueling the fire 🙂 If I want any more I’ll need a new bed to put them in!
Amy, you just keep recovering, and when you’re better, let me know. I’ll send you something pretty.~~Dee
I have planted some lilies I got dirt cheap at a car boot sale near our house. They are doing quite well and about to flower. Thanks for dropping by my blog. Cheers.
Hi Adam,
They are amazingly hardy aren’t they? I never heard of a boot sale. I’m thinking it’s what we Americans call a trunk sale though. 🙂 ~~Dee
Gorgeous flowers!
Thanks, Teena. I’m glad you stopped by.~~Dee
Now this is a post that I shouldn’t read. Ha… Beautiful daylilies. I have a spider daylily that looks a lot like Oakes Love. The name of it is Wilson’s daylily.
Thanks, Lisa. I haven’t see Wilson’s daylily, but with thousands of cultivars, I’m not surprised.~~Dee
I need to try some Day-Lillies, I have avoided them so far, as all I ever hear around here is how they have taken over!
Sarah, I don’t know what is going on with your comment. It looks good from the admin. side. You do need daylilies.~~Dee
I figured it out. It doesn’t like the quotation mark. Aren’t computers funny things?~~Dee
You had to show me that Oakes Love when I’d told myself there would be no more purple daylilies here on MCOK! The lighter ones fade out really badly in the afternoon sun and the darker purple ones seem to get sunspots. Still, I’m becoming ever more enamored of spider DLs, so I may have to get that one eventually. Not right now, that’s for sure!
Hi Cindy, the same thing happens here, so I plant them in dappled shade or just morning sun. It helps. Spiders that twist & twirl are a delight especially in a cooling breeze. You and I are dreaming of those cooling breezes, aren’t we?~~Dee
Wineberry Candy sounds like Siloam Merle Kent with too many blooms at once. I think I might like its color better than SMK (which I have). $10 is a reasonable price for a double fan & you’ve showcased a good selection.
Thanks, MMD. I don’t have SMK, but I don’t need another. I only bought three this year total.~~Dee
I must have ‘Oakes Love’. Must! You’ve tempted me to visit my favorite daylily farm nearby and see if they have this one.
But at this point, I might need to dig up a new flower bed, as I am running out of room in the ones I have.
See what you’e started!! 😉
So glad I could assist you. You know how we addicts are.~~Dee
All so beautiful! I need to start growing daylilies. That’s one thing that I don’t have!
Brenda, now you know what you’re missing. Glad I could help. LOL. ~~Dee
Dee, Since I garden on a shoestring budget and adore daylilies, this is a very appealing stroll to me! What gorgeous photos you have taken! I love the variety of colors and shapes these flowers offer.
Aisling, I tried to pick a variety. There are so many more, but these are performers and cheap too.~~Dee
I think I may have to look at daylilies in the near future. I really love the ‘Oakes Love’.
April, I hope you will. ‘Kirsten’s Coursage’ and ‘Karen’s Curls’ are also nice, but they cost a lot more.~~Dee