Hi everyone. According to the random number generator, Linda Belcher won the power tools. I’m excited for Linda, and I hope she enjoys her new tools.

Now, I have another giveaway. So Much Sky, written my friend and former editor, Karen Weir-Jimerson, is a series of essays about living in the country, a topic near and dear to my heart. Karen is as witty and humorous in her book as she is in life, and she blogs at Cat Crossing Farm. Many of the essays were originally published in Karen’s “Slow Lane” column in Country Home magazine between 2003 and 2009. She currently writes the same column for Country Gardens magazine so you may be familiar with her. The book is warm and friendly as a speckled pup, and I think you’ll like it. Karen lives with her family on three acres in rural Iowa where they raise vegetables, flowers, sheep and chickens plus a whole menagerie of animals. Like me, she was once a town girl before she moved the country, and we both renovated our homes so we’ve both done the remodel happy dance when finished. Although, you’re never truly finished are you?

I have a signed copy of this delightful book to give to one lucky winner. Comment below to enter once, and then if you tweet, share on facebook, or any other social media, please let me know with additional comments below. Winners will be chosen by a random number generator because I hate choosing. Contest ends next Wednesday, and I’ll have an additional contest for some Proven Winners® plants after that.

It’s a contest marathon at RDR. Be sure to join in.
Please enter me in to your contest for this wonderful book. I would love to have it on my bookshelf after enjoying a good read.
This book looks like a great read
Living next door, in NE, I also appreciate the beautiful prairie sky. I would love to win this book. Thanks for the opportunity!
So love her writing & would love her new book even more!
Sharing the contest on Facebook AND Twitter. 🙂
I love Karen! I helped source kitchen materials for a Country Home kitchen when I worked in Minnesota. Her articles were the reason I mourned the last issue of the magazine.
Several years ago, I decided my stash of Country Home magazines had to go. I clipped my favorite pages and recycled the rest. Most of my clippings were of Ms. Weir-Jimerson’s “Slow Lane” columns about life on the farm. Somehow, I missed that she had a blog. Thank you!
Several years ago, I decided my stash of Country Home magazines had to go. I clipped out my favorite pages and recycled the rest. Most of my clippings were of Ms. Weir-Jamerson’s “Slow Lane” columns about life on the farm. Somehow, I missed that she had a blog. Thank you!
will also share the contest on FB for another entry.
A contest marathon! YAY!!! and oh how i love the country. if i don’t win, i might just have to buy it.
I loved reading her in Country Living. Think I’ll pop over to her blog. Oh, your pretty special too Dee!
I am a Midwest transplant to the East Coast (Boston area) and I totally miss the sky. We have so many trees (which are great too) around us that I have to go to the ocean to see the horizon. I would love to read a book at the Big Sky.
Hi Dee, I just tweeted your contest.
This sounds like a great summer read.
I’m loving your blog and would love to win Karen’s book. I hope you keep the beautiful photos of your garden coming.
Sounds wonderful! Thank you for the opportunity, Dee. So nice. ;^)
Oh, I love reading about town folks moving to the country, because I’m one, too.
I love memoirs! Love them. This sounds like a great book. Thanks for the chance at winning a copy!
And shared my good fortune and desire to win a signed copy of So Much Sky on Facebook. Good luck everyone.
Did tweet my excitement 🙂
Looks like a fun book… I’m going to check out her blog.
I am excited to have won these wonderful tools. Thanks Dee Nash for helping me get my gardens up and running again. The website posted here is a baby blog, just trying to learn the tricks of the trade and the art of being consistant and persistant in my writing. Linda B