What does a red-dirt-garden girl do in winter, or even late fall while her garden gently sleeps? I can’t speak for anyone else in red-dirt land, but I plant amaryllis and paperwhite bulbs.
It’s raining outside this afternoon so I couldn’t plant all the tulips I purchased a few months ago.

Yeah, that’s my excuse. I need to dip my tulip bulbs in Plantskydd Deer Repellent, but I’m also afraid our blasted hound dog will smell the repellent and dig up my tulips. Eaten by voles, or dug up by a precocious hound? Tough choice.

Last week, I planted the amaryllis I ordered. Funny thing . . . I forgot which company I’d ordered them from, so they sat outside in their box in the garage for about a month. So did my ‘Conca d’Or’ lilies.
One day I was wondering where my amaryllis bulbs were, and I thought, uh oh . . . .

I sliced open the tape and popped the top off of one of the boxes afraid of what I would find, but the bulbs were fine. In fact, look at them already growing. I can even see the tip of a flower. The lilies were fine too. Bulbs are pretty tough. However, I planted the lilies outside the moment I found them in their peat moss. I knew where I wanted them so it was easy.

For those who want to know, I ordered the Red Amaryllis Special from Van Engelen Bulbs which included ‘Merry Christmas,’ ‘Inferno,’ and ‘Miracle.’ I’m not sure why I only ordered red-flowering amaryllis, but today, I ordered some white-flowering ones as well, the White Clouds Duo from Easy to Grow Bulbs. I’ll get one each of ‘Snow Drift’ and ‘White Christmas.’ If you’d like to know more about my amaryllis addiction check out the first episode of our second season in podcasting, Amaryllis, Mast Years, and The Artist’s Garden.

Yes, that’s right! We’re on our second season of the Gardenangelists. Thanks for listening! In connection with our second season, we’ve started The Gardenangelists’ Garden Club on Facebook. Come join us!
I potted up Narcissus tazetta ‘Grand Soleil d’Or’ and ‘Wintersun’ paperwhites today. Then, I asked my friend, Elizabeth Licata, of Garden Rant and Gardening While Intoxicated if I needed to refrigerate ‘Grand Soleil d’Or’ for a couple of weeks. I thought I remembered that information, but I wanted to confer.

Elizabeth knows all things bulbs, planting about a thousand each year, some in her garden, and others in pots to bring out later. She also forces some bulb varieties.
You may be thinking, aren’t those all the same thing? But, no each method is different. Elizabeth recently did a YouTube video about growing bulbs in pots including forcing. Since I’ve waited so long to get my tulips in the ground, I may plant mine in containers and overwinter them next to my greenhouse. It is certainly easier than digging 400+ holes in my garden, and the voles can’t eat them.
I might pull some of my cobalt blue pots off of the deck and use them. The only problem with growing them in pots is that sometimes, in Oklahoma, we don’t get much of a spring, and the tulips fade more quickly. I’m still thinking about it, but the picture below has me leaning toward it again.
Plant tulips and other bulbs pointy side up. Water the container one time before you place it in an unheated garage or outside. The little heads of tulips sticking up right before I cover them with soil. Tulips in terra cotta pot: ‘Temple’s Favourite’, ‘Rococo’ and ‘Orange Princess’ with dark blue pansies planted in early spring. If you overwinter these bulbs outside, you’ll need to cover them with hardware cloth. Otherwise, squirrels play in them and cause problems.
A couple of days ago, after Carol Michel and I recorded Paperwhites, Brussels sprouts, and the Truth About Houseplants on the Gardenangelists, I had to buy more paperwhites. Of course, I did. If you listen to our podcast, you’ll hear Carol and I discuss how I hate the scent of ‘Ziva,’ but not all paperwhites stink. After I had so much fun potting up ‘Wintersun,’ I bought two more varieties of paperwhites. Because they will get here in a few days, I will pot them up then and extend my bloom season for a week. This time, I ordered ‘Inball‘ and ‘Ariel.’ If you want sweetly-scented paperwhites, order them now before they’re all gone.

There is nothing easier than growing amaryllis, but if you want them to bloom for Christmas, you need to plant them right now.

I, however, don’t care if they bloom for Christmas or afterward. I really need their flowers more in January and February when I’m tired of winter. I’m also going to pot up some hyacinths to force inside. I need to get those done immediately because they must sit in the garage refrigerator for ten to eleven weeks before they can come inside and start growing. Don’t place bulbs in a refrigerator that has fruit especially apples. Ethylene gas from ripening fruit kills off the baby flower inside the bulb.

I hope this post entices you to grow amaryllis and other bulbs, like paperwhites, this winter. If this doesn’t work, maybe our podcast will.
As always, thanks for reading!
My goodness, I sure enjoyed your indoor blooms! Once the freeze knocks down my garden, I get lazy and take the winter off. I usually buy a single amaryllis from a big box store, and call it a day! And we vowed to never force the stinky variety of paperwhites.
Gorgeous and inspiring. I like the bamboo and twine support system.
I have been reading your blog for about 6 years. Even though I am in Dallas – and the weather and environment are different – I still learn so much. I am an avid gardener but have only begun to plant larger gardens in the last few years. Thanks for everything!
Hi Dan, thanks so much for your comment. When I read comments like yours, I feel like I am not just sending information out into the ether. I’m glad my blog posts are helpful. If you happen to be on Instagram or FB, you might also follow me there. I answer a lot of questions on those formats. Keep on gardening! I love Dallas.~~Dee
“If you want sweetly-scented paperwhites, order them now before they’re all gone.”
Well, I immediately stopped in midst of reading your post as if this were a direct command to me personally & placed a too-large order with Easy to Grow Bulbs. Did I stop at Paperwhites? Of course not. I thought I was through planting bulbs for this year & I’m blaming this on you. : ) In sincerely, thanks for so generously sharing your sources and easily followed methods for all of us. Love seeing your exquisite antique pot collection each fall, too!
Hi Sandy! Thank you so much for this. Your comment made me laugh and then made my day. When I compose my posts, I actually try to write them as though I’m having a conversation with my readers. I’ll see if I can find a few more pots out in the garage. I found an entire box of more paperwhite and hyacinth bulbs! What was I thinking???~~Dee
I wish I had more light in the house. My amaryllis or any other bulbs are always so leaning it drives me crazy. Like you I love to have some blooms after the holidays when winter is really settled in and nothing growing outside.
Lisa, I know you know this, but I turn mine a quarter round each day to try to keep them straight. I also stake them in various ways. ~~Dee
Love that you have all these bulbs!
Carol, oh, I found a few more. Good grief!~~Dee
So many potted beauties! I hadn’t planted tulips in years, but my son gave me a box of 100, so I decided to plant them in pots. When in the garden soil, outside, the rabbits eat them down to the ground. We’ll see how they do in pots. They’re on the front porch, next to the warm house. They’re hardy tulips to zone 3, and since I’m zone 5, hopefully they’ll be OK in the sheltered pots. It’s worth a try. Good luck with all your beauties!
Beth, I decided to plant some of mine in pots too to discourage the voles. We can only hope.~~Dee