I have, and if you follow me on GoodReads.com, you might have already read my mini-reviews of these two books, but, in case you …
My hand weeder went missing yet again
Dang it! My hand weeder is again missing. After all the work I put it through yesterday, it is probably hiding under a pile of …
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Dear friends and gardeners, March 8, 2010
Dear Carol and Mary Ann and all of our gardening friends, I planned to have this letter up before now, but my Internet went …
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Pruning roses is a bit like parenting teenagers
Both hurt. This afternoon, I untangled the wreck between Rosa 'The Fairy' and R. 'Carefree Delight' (a thornier beast never …
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The Dowager Duchess must be freed
Today was the day. The wind was calm, and the sun shined down upon my quest. My first rose in the back garden, 'Cl. Old Blush', …