I have, and if you follow me on GoodReads.com, you might have already read my mini-reviews of these two books, but, in case you missed them . . . .
Anyone who knows me knows I’m a big fan of Sharon Lovejoy’s work. For the past twenty years, I’ve read everything she’s written, smiled at her drawings, and implemented much of what she teaches. I’ve built sunflower houses, played with my children during Hollyhock Days, and we’ve shared many other adventures in the garden.

I’m also proud to be working with her and seven other wonderful writers on the Lowe’s Garden Grow Along blog this spring.
When she asked me to review her new book, Toad Cottages and Shooting Stars: Grandma’s Bag of Tricks, I nearly clapped my hands in delight. Its arrival in the mail made me stop what I was doing to plop down in a chair and give it a once over. This time, Sharon directed her efforts toward grandparents, especially grandmothers. She encourages them to pass on their love for gardening, nature, cooking and all things home to their grandchildren. There are suggestions for making a cozy room with a quilt on the bed and a basket full of books for visiting little ones. (I had a grandmother like this, and I can tell you, next to my mother, I love her more than anyone.)
One grandmother met her darlings with a cup of hot cocoa on the first morning of their stay and then took them for a walk to the beach to see the sunrise. Pure inspiration.
However, before you think this book is only for grandparents, think again. These same games can be played with our nieces and nephews and our own children if we only take the time. Toad Cottages is similar in format to her earlier work Sunflower Houses. You really can build a sunflower house with a morning glory roof. It isn’t difficult, and I assure you the children in your life will always remember it.
As a writer, I receive too many books describing how we should involve our children in the garden, but which base their advice only on practical matters. I think, instead, we should read and implement a book like Toad Cottages which encourages us to instill the love of gardening lore and whimsy.
We only get this one life, and childhood is very short. I would encourage you to take your child’s hand and go on an explore today.
While you’re outside, bring along a sketchbook or notebook with you. Then, if you seen a fantastic bird, or interesting flower or plant, you can quickly capture its essence on paper. Better yet, encourage your child to bring along one too. A love of a gardening starts with a love for nature in all of its beauty, violence and just plain ickiness (think of parasitic wasps eating a caterpillar inside out for example). Kids adore the ick factor as much as beauty, by the way.
Susan Leigh Tomlinson, paleontologist, artist and professor in the Natural History and Humanities program at Texas Tech University, also writes and draws at The Bike Garden. Further, as someone who can build almost anything and often does, she is a woman I truly admire. A few weeks ago, she asked if I’d like to review her new book, How to Keep a Naturalist’s Notebook. While reading it, I was reminded of those amazing, nineteenth-century, women naturalists who carried their field kits with them everywhere and kept detailed records of what they heard and saw on their walks.

You might ask, in this age of Nikon D90 DX cameras, voice recorders and Flip camcorders
, why anyone would want to make their own notebook? A notebook of one’s own contains so much more. Samples of flowers or ferns can be pressed, and one’s own artwork can grace the pages. If you feel intimidated by the idea of creating your own notebook, this book is for you. By the time you finish, you will know the essential information and skills to record and comment upon your own environment. Tomlinson gives both basic and detailed art instruction. Anyone can draw with a bit of help. Even me.
Each chapter addresses a different topic from required equipment for your field kit to tips for wildflower and bird identification. After reading it, I felt inspired to get out my colored pencils and draw, something which I haven’t done since I was pregnant with Bear. I’ll let you know if I draw anything worth scanning.
Meanwhile, you can’t go wrong with these two artists and authors. I’m glad to call them my friends.
I’m glad to have seen this because I’ve been wondering about Susan’s book…it looks like a good one for a nature lover like me! I will hopefully get to read it one day.
.-= Jan (ThanksForToday)´s last blog ..Mid-March Blooms and Foliage =-.
Jan, it’s a great book. You’ll like it.~~Dee
More books to add to my “gotta have” list. I have one by Sharon Lovejoy that I re-read on a regular basis. I haven’t thought about making a naturalist’s notebook, but now I think it would be agreat project. Thanks for the reviews.
.-= Melody´s last blog ..Five Things =-.
I love reading especially gardening books. They both look wonderful.
.-= melanie´s last blog ..Do Hardiness Zones Really Matter? =-.
Such a good reminder of the power of passing one’s love of gardening on as well as capturing the moment. I’ve been intrigued by Susan’s book so I’m glad you reviewed it. I have an artist friend who always carries a notebook with her. Sometimes she’s just jotting down things she finds of interest or reminders, but I know she’s always drawing too. How interesting to look at something like that years from now.
.-= Jean´s last blog ..Jonquil Jubilee! =-.
Thanks for the book reviews. I am always looking for another book to read, and these sound wonderful, subjects that are dear to me. I will look for both.
.-= Jenny B´s last blog ..Summers Mill =-.
I can’t wait until the weather cooperates enough to go out into the garden with my kids (alright, the girl; I think the boy is too far gone into videogameland, but I’ll try).
I love the idea of notebook. Beatrix Potter is one of my heroes, as she was a great naturalist and kept just such a notebook. However, I’m one of those people who are intimidated by drawing. I could use a little instruction.
.-= Mr. McGregor’s Daughter´s last blog ..Gardener Snake (Wordless Wednesday) =-.
Dee, these both look like great books, even for an odd eccentric gardening aunt like me.
.-= Carol, May Dreams Gardens´s last blog ..Win A Fiskars® Momentum™ Reel Mower! =-.
Hey, I just got on to check on you and lo’ and behold…MY BOOK. Thanks gardening girlfriend. I appreciate your words and support. It is through posts like yours that the word (the good word) gets spread. I am so happy that you’ve used my other books for your own family.
Oh, by the way, I’m STILL SHARON, not SUSAN, but I do have lots of friends named Susan and I hope that once in awhile they’re called Sharon.
Sharon Lovejoy Writes from Sunflower house and a Little Green Island
I am going to share this review with my niece~She will love this book and so will her kids. I’m so glad you reviewed Susan’s book…I was wondering about it…gail
.-= Gail´s last blog ..Lilac Tommies On A Hill Need No Prose =-.
These are both lovely books (and thank you again for sending me Sharon’s book. I am reviewing both of them in the provincial newspaper, which makes me happy, and I hope the positive reviews they’re receiving bring them many more sales.
.-= jodi (bloomingwriter)´s last blog ..Wordless Wednesday: "Orchids-come-lately, there’s new kids in town…" =-.