A couple of weeks ago, I heard the term "Second Spring" on one of my favorite gardening shows, A Gardener's Diary, and it stayed …
Garden Bloggers’ Muse Day: Obedient Plant
In spring, I rip you out of the ground, but your roots, they hide like Paris sewage rats only to emerge when the earth is …
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Thoughts and Other Beautiful Things
One of gardening's great blessings is the peace it affords the gardener. When problems weigh upon me like an anvil, I open the …
The Lazy, Crazy Days of Late Summer
There's a frenetic energy in the garden now. When I open the gate, the air is abuzz. With their voracious appetites, caterpillars …
Great Garden Standbys
Orignally published in the Spring 2008 OHS Horticulture Horizons newsletter. As avid gardeners, we search out the newest and …