Good morning plant friends! It’s Garden Bloggers’ Bloom Day, and I want to share some of my favorite indoor blooms and tropical plants for January. Many thanks to my co-host on our Gardenangelists podcast, Carol J. Michel, for again hosting bloom day. This week, on the podcast, we talked about new David Austin Roses for 2020, Simple Vegetable Gardens and P.L.A.N.T.S for Gardening Goals. I thought it was a good episode, and we got rid of that stupid echo from last week. Thanks for letting us know it was so irritating. I thought so too.
Hippeastrum ‘Inferno’ a double amaryllis I would grow again and again. The amaryllises you grow indoors are tropical and timed to bloom around the holidays. Almost all of mine bloomed right after Christmas.
Blooms are hard to come by in Oklahoma in January which is why I turn my house into a kind of indoor garden. I force hyacinths. I also bought a few from Trader Joe’s and Aldi’s because my hyacinths aren’t in flower yet. I’ll need to take them out of the refrigerator. Goals for next week!

I also grew several different amaryllises. You know how much I love my amaryllis bulbs. Yes, I over-summer some of them, but they aren’t that expensive to simply replace. I always buy a few new bulbs each year. Hybridizers come out with new tempting varieties, and if you don’t want yours to need supports, grow a dwarf variety like ‘Merry Christmas.’ If you’d like more information about aftercare for amaryllis bulbs, Longfield Gardens has a nice article on it.

My paperwhites are all finished now except Grand Soleil d’Or which I refrigerated for a few weeks to give them the chill period they need. I also pulled out one pot of hyacinths to see if they are ready to grow. They are slow but seem to be getting there.
If you haven’t already heard, I’m doing the Oklahoma City Home and Garden Show this weekend. I’ll have six talks in total; two each day. Here is the schedule.

One of the talks is on tropical plants, and here are some of the plants that help make my house a home. I’ve been growing houseplants since I was thirteen. They were my gateway into gardening in fact.
Red aglaonema, Chinese evergreen. I now have three varieties of this very special plant. Pilea peperomioides, Chinese money plant One of my orchids I got to rebloom and another orchid starting behind it. ‘Neon’ pothos and golden pothos, two of my favorite easy plants. I bought four blue hyacinths in total. My other hyacinth bulbs are cooling their roots in the garage refrigerator. I’ll get them out soon. ‘Glacier’ pothos
There are so many more, but I’m out of time. If you’re local, I hope to see you at the OKC fairgrounds in the Centennial Building this weekend. If not, I’ll see you here or on Instagram. By the way, I’m trying to get to 10,000 followers on Instagram so I can reach more people and share great things with the “Swipe Up” feature. I’d appreciate it if you’d share my Instagram profile with your friends. If you tag me, I’ll share it too.

I stagger my amaryllises so that I have them blooming through January. I cannot grow orchids — Yours are so beautiful, Dee. I haven’t tried hyacinths yet. Congratulations on so many garden talks — wish I could attend some. P. x
Hi Pam! I hope all is well in Pennsylvania. I survived the talks. Why, on God’s green Earth do you think you cannot grow orchids. They are nearly plastic plants. They do take an extremely long time to rebloom. You’re such a fantastic gardener I am terribly surprised about the orchids. Have a beautiful, if snowy, day. ~~Dee
I’m still waiting for my amaryllis to bloom, but now you’ve got me thinking of going to Trader Joe’s for some winter blooms.
Hi Robin, yeah, just go buy some. Enjoy and compost them. I often do. 🙂
You have some beautiful blooms here Dee. Happy GBBD.
Happy Bloom Day darling girl!
I know exactly how you feel. Plants are hard to come by here in Indiana too. I had to hit about 5 different places before I found some unique indoor plants! It was sago palms every where the eye could see! Typical typical typical. I couldn’t take it anymore! ha!
Hi Christine! I hit a couple of plant stores myself the other day. I think I’ll write a post about my visits. Happy almost spring. It IS coming even if it still seems so far away. ~~Dee
Beautiful plants by the window sill.Loved orchid,Amaryllis blooms .Flowering plants in room add so much of liveliness into the surroundings.Happy blogger blomms day.
Hi Arun, so glad you stopped by! I think you’re absolutely right. My living room is kind of a jungle right now, but I love it. ~~Dee
Lovely blooming plants, Dee. You’ve inspired me to add a few to my sunroom. 🙂
Hi Beth, Yay! I can’t wait to see what you bought. I did a little tropical plant shopping today too.~~Dee