Does everyone remember the straight line I had in my front garden and how much I wanted to rid myself of it? Well, it is straight …
February Garden Bloggers’ Muse Day
"My personal endeavour is so to choose and combine my plants that at no time from early March to November shall the garden be …
Sledding on Thin Ice
Well, the sun is now shining, but earlier this week, we had winter moisture in nearly all of its frozen forms. On Monday, while I …
Flowers Which Never Fade
It's 31F here, and starting tonight, we're supposed to have ice showers, sleet and other slippery stuff for the next two days; so, …
The Great Bulb Dig
Today, I'm digging up most of my bulbs in the front yard. I've hired a landscape designer to help me with the gardens. Are you …
Memorium to a Friend
My friend, Staci, died on Sunday at approximately 1:00 p.m. At forty, she was beautiful and died too young. She was married to …
Garden Bloggers’ Bloom Day: Dateline January 15, 2009
"It's Bloom Day," the Amaryllis say, "so come inside to play." We weren't ready for Christmas, but then, you had so many other …
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Fun with Macro
For Christmas, HH gave me a macro lens for my Nikon D40X camera. I have been playing around with it since with mixed results. He …
How Do We Save Print Media?
This week, the garden writing community was abuzz with news: Meredith Publishing Company laid off 250 of its employees, and …
A Flash of Red on a Cloudy Day
Today, it's cloudy and cold with little hope for sunshine. The Christmas tree is nearly down and packed away, and the red dirt …
Garden Bloggers’ Muse Day: At the Entering of the New Year
At the Entering of the New Year by Thomas Hardy I (Old Style) Our songs went up and out the chimney, And roused the home-gone …
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Winter Angels Dancing
While winter keeps us in her frosty embrace, remember . . . spring starts on March 20th next year, and next year is only a few …